Senin, 23 November 2009


Di suatu RSJ, terdapat 3 orang yang mengalami gagguan jiwa.. Di dampingi dokter nya, mereka ( orang- orang sinting ) di tes akan gagguan jiwa nya..,, dengan cara membawa mereka ke kolam renang.. dan kolam tersebut sengaja tidak diberi air sama sekali, karena tes ini..

Kemudian, mereka di kumpulkan di atas kolam tersebut..

Dokter : Kamu yang pertama, cepat mandi di kolam ini..!
(Dokter sengaja melakukan itu.. untuk mengetes, apakah masih gila atau sudah waras..kalau waras.. tidak mungkin nyebur ke kolam tersebut..y kn?? Karena kolam nya tidak diisi air sama sekali..!)
Orang sinting 1 : Siap dokter..!
(Eh orang sinting itu malah nyebur ke kolam, benjol deh tu kepalanya, loncat dari atas kolam,, inget kan.. kolam itu gak ada air nya..)
Dokter : Yah...kamu masih gila.. (Doter merasa kecewa)
Orang sinting 2 : Dok, sekarang bagian saya kn.. yang nyebur...? (sambil melepaskan baju nya..)
Dokter : Iyah... sekarang bagian kamu yang mandi..
Orang sinting 2 : Asik... tapi saya pengen pake CD saja dok... Gimana?? boleh dok??
Dokter : Terserah kamu deh.. Boleh saja..
(Orang sinting itu pun loncat dengan gaya anak pantai, karena saking semangatnya..! loncat deh tu orang.. benjol lagi deh tu kepalanya..!)
Dokter : yah.. kamu memang.............................GILA!! sekarang bagian kamu yang terakhir.. teman- teman kamu ternyata masih gila..
Orang sinting 3 : Hmm.. tunggu dulu dok..,, saya gak mau nyebur..!
Dokter : Kenapa kamu tidak mau nyebur ke kolam ini...? (dokter sudah merasa senang.. karena mungkin dia sudah waras..)
Orang sinting 3 : Gak mau dok...! Dokter gila apa...! air nya dingin tu!

My MaN..

Daniel Jacob RadcliffeLaki-LakiFulham, London, England, Inggris, 23 Juli 1989Biografi :Nama Daniel Jacob Radcliffe atau Daniel Radcliffe sudah tak asing lagi di jagad perfilman dunia, meski usiannya tergolong masih dini untuk ukuran kesuksesannya. Daniel, terkenal sebagai aktor yang peran hebatnya ditunjukan saat memerankan Harry Potter dalam sequel HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE (2001). Berikutnya kesuksesan demi kesuksesan datang mengikuti perjalanan karirnya.Radcliffe sendiri adalah aktor asal Inggris, anak dari pasangan Alan Radcliffe dan Marcia Gersham, yang debut filmnya berjudul THE TAILOR OF PANAMA (2001), menyusul kemudian di tahun yang sama film suksesnya, HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.Pria yang telah menandatangani kontrak untuk film Harry Potter hingga 2010 itu, dipastikan akan membintangi tujuh sequel film yang diangkat dari novel J.K Rowling tersebut. Belum lagi sejumlah film yang juga dibintanginya sepanajng karirnya.Berita Daniel Radcliffe:.Aktor Remaja Inggris Akan Perankan Tintin Versi Layar LebarAktor remaja Inggris, Thomas Sangster, telah dipilih untuk bermain sebagai Tintin dalam film layar lebar yang diangkat dari buku komik laris mengenai petualangan reporter muda Belgia itu, beberapa koran London melaporkan, Sabtu.STEVEN SPIELBERG, ELIJAH WOOD2008-03-30 21:21:00.Daniel Radclife Beli Apartemen di New YorkBintang pemeran Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe, telah membeli sebuah apartemen di Manhattan seharga US$4,9 juta, hanya beberapa bulan setelah aktor Inggris berusia 18 tahun itu membeli properti di New York senilai US$4,3 juta.2008-03-14 15:21:00.Seri Terakhir Film 'HARRY POTTER' Akan Diluncurkan Dua KaliPara penggemar HARRY POTTER akan memperoleh kegembiraan ganda sebelum film serial itu berakhir. Studio film Warner Bros merencanakan akan memfilmkan buku ketujuh dan terakhir serial tentang bocah penyihir itu dalam dua bagian, Los Angeles Times melaporkan Rabu.JK ROWLING2008-03-13 15:46:00.Radcliffe Minta Anjingnya Juga Dikawal Pasukan Elite InggrisSeorang boss sangat pantas untuk peduli dan khawatir dengan anak buahnya. Demikian kiranya yang terjadi pada aktor Daniel Radcliffe, ketika meminta dua mantan tentara elit Inggris untuk menjadi pengawal khusus bagi anjing-anjing kesayangannya. Hal ini merupakan salah satu reaksi, menyusul ancaman yang ditujukan pada dirinya beberapa waktu lalu.2008-03-07 20:12:00.Terancam Pembunuhan, Daniel Radcliffe Dikawal KetatJadi bintang pujaan tak selamanya dicintai. Dikenal banyak orang juga harus siap untuk berhadapan dengan maut. Seperti yang sedang dialami Daniel Radcliffe saat ini. Bintang muda ini sekarang harus memperketat pengawalannya setelah studio film HARRY POTTER, Warner Bros menerima ancaman yang ditujukan pada Radcliffe. Kabarnya ancaman ini datang dari seorang penguntit pemeran bocah sihir ini.2008-03-05 14:47:00.Daniel Radcliffe Beli Apartemen Kedua di New YorkSejak diperbolehkan memegang keuangannya sendiri, Daniel Radcliffe sepertinya tak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan itu. Bintang HARRY POTTER ini membeli apartemen keduanya di Manhattan senilai 2,48 juta poundsterling.2008-02-27 18:40:00.Pose Hot Daniel Radcliffe Raih PenghargaanSelain wajah menarik, tubuh aktor remaja Daniel Radliffe bisa dibilang seksi meski tidak terlalu besar. Dan penampilannya yang membuka semua balutan pakaian di tubuhnya saat tampil di EQUUS telah membawanya memenangkan sebuah penghargaan khusus teater.2008-02-22 21:10:00.Lily Allen Dinasehati Pangeran CharlesMasalah demi masalah yang dialami musisi bermasalah Lily Allen banyak menyita perhatian media dan selebriti lainnya, termasuk juga Pangeran Charles. Putra mahkota kerajaan Inggris itu lantas memberikan masukan pada Allen mengenai bagaimana cara mengatasi hatinya yang sedang sendu.

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Mr. Bean..

Rowan Atkinson
( Mr. bean )


Nama lengkap : Rowan Sebastian Atkinson

Nama Populer : Mr. BEAN

TTL : Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Inggris, 06 Januari 1955


Rowan Sebastian Atkinson atau lebih populer dengan nama Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean), lahir di Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Inggris, 6 Januari 1955. Rowan, terkenal sebagai seorang komedian, actor, dan penulis naskah.
Pria yang memiliki hobi koleksi mobil mewah ini, menikahi seorang make up artis Sunetra Sastry dan dikarunia dua orang anak, Benjamin Atkinson dan Lily Atkinson.


Keterlibatan Rowan dalam dunia hiburan diawali saat dirinya terlibat dalam acara Not the Nine O'Clock News (1978) yang disiarkan di ITV. Setelah itu dalam serial TV BBC, BLACKADDER (1983), di mana dirinya memerankan karakter Edmund Blackadder, sekaligus sebagai penulis naskah. Serial ini diproduksi hingga empat episode.
Berkat perannya sebagai Mr. Bean, dalam serial TV MR. BEAN (1988) telah mengantarkan kesuksesan besar dalam dunia peran. Rowan yang juga menjadi penulis naskah dalam serial itu memerankan karakter bloon dengan mengandalkan gerakan tubuh, seperti yang pernah dilakukan Charlie Caplin.
Sementara di pangung layar lebar, Rowan telah membintangi banyak film, di antaranya, Never Say Never Again (1983), The Witches (1990), Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994), Johnny English (2003), Keeping Mum (2005) dan film terbarunya Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007). Selain itu Rowan juga telah menandatangani kontrak untuk filmnya yang akan dirilis 2008 nanti, Johnny English 2.
Tidak hanya itu, Rowan juga seorang penyanyi, dua album telah dirilisnya masing-masing Rowan Atkinson Live in Belfast (1982, re-released 1996) dan Not Just a Pretty Face (1987, re-released 1994).
Aktor komedian, Rowan Atkinson, berhasil membawa karakter Mr. Bean yang telah lama melekat padanya, menjadi 'Komedian Terfavorit' sepanjang masa di Inggris. Kreasi orang konyol yang cenderung mendapat celaka tersebut, telah membuat Rowan merajai pemilihan yang diadakan oleh Windows Live Space, dengan hasil pilihan sebanyak 15 persen. Dan dengan MR BEAN'S HOLIDAY, ketenarannya berhasil naik ke posisi puncak dalam box office Inggris dari tanggal 31 Maret-1 April 2007. Film tersebut berhasil meraih keuntungan sebesar US$8,7 juta.
Rowan Atkinson, pemeran karakter "si blunder" Mr. Bean, akan kembali lagi ke layar lebar setelah absen satu dekade, lewat dua film terbarunya,sebuah film tentang perjalanan dari Inggris ke Festival Film Cannes di Perancis dan berniat menghidupkan pria yang paling diinginkan di dunia, Osama Bin Laden, bintang Mr. BEAN ini menemukan ide saat 'teroris intelek' ini tinggal dan berpindah-pindah dari gua ke gua selama dalam pelarian.

Sejarah...Kota Majalengka,,

Sejarah Kota Majalengka


Kerajaan Hindu di Talaga
Pemerintahan Batara Gunung Picung
Pada abad ke XIII Masehi, di Talaga berdiri sebuah kerajaan yang di perintah oleh raja yang bergelar Batara Gunung Picung. Batara Gunung Picung merupakan putra ke V dari Ratu Galuh yang bertahta di Ciamis.

Jika ditilik lebih jauh, baik Batara Gunung Picung maupun Ratu Galuh sebenarnya masih mempunyai silsilah darah dengan raja-raja yang bertahta di Pajajaran atau yang lebih dikenal dengan raja Siliwangi. Maka dari itu, seperti juga Pajajaran, kerajaan ini pun baik raja maupun rakyatnya sebagian besar menganut agama Hindu.

Meski kerajaan ini terbilang kecil (daerah kekuasaannya meliputi Talaga, Cikijing, Bantarujeg, Lemahsugi, dan sebagian Majalengka selatan) tapi sarana dan prasarana untuk menunjang kemakmuran rakyatnya terbilang cukup baik, hal ini terbukti dengan dibangunnya sarana jalan sepanjang lebih dari 25 KM yang membujur antara talaga sampai Salawangi, Cakrabuana, dan sarana irigasi di Cigawong untuk mengairi pertanian yang ada di daerah Cikijing.

Batara Gunung Picung yang memimpin tampuk kerajaan sekitar dua windu ini mempunyai 6 putra yaitu :

  • Sunan Cungkilak

  • Sunan Benda

  • Sunan Gombang

  • Ratu Panggongsong Ramahiyang

  • Prabu Darma Suci

  • Ratu Mayang Karuna

Akhir pemerintahannya kemudian dilanjutkan oleh Prabu Darma Suci.

Pemerintahan Prabu Darma Suci
Entah kenapa yang kemudian menggantikan Batara Gunung Picung sebagai raja bukannya putra pertama yang bernama Sunan Cungkilak, melainkan Prabu Darma Suci, portal cirebon sendiri belum tahu. Tapi yang pasti, pada masa pemerintahan raja yang berlangsung antara abad ke XIII ini agama hindu berkembang dengan sangat pesatnya. Bahkan karena kemashyuran hindu ini, Prabu Darma Suci pun dikenal luas hingga ke Sumatra, hal itu terbukti dari banyaknya pantun yang bercerita tentang banyaknya kunjungan tamu-tamu yang datang ke Talaga.

Pada abad ke XIIX Prabu Darma Suci wafat dan meninggalkan dua putra yaitu :

  • Bagawan Garasiang

  • Sunan Talaga Manggung

Pemerintahan Begawan Garasiang
Tahta untuk sementara dipangku oleh Begawan Garasiang, namun beliau sangat mementingkan Kehidupan Kepercayaan sehingga akhirnya tak lama kemudian tahta diserahkan kepada adiknya Sunan Talaga Manggung.

Tak banyak yang diketahui pada masa pemerintahan raja ini selain kepindahan beliau dari Talaga ke daerah Cihaur Maja.

Pemerintahan Sunan Talaga Manggung
Pada pemerintahan Sunan talaga Manggung Inilah, Kerajaan ini mencapai masa keemasannya. Pertanian, sastra dan agama berkembang pesat pada masa pemerintahan Sunan Talaga Manggung ini. Hubungan diplomatik pun terjalin cukup baik dengan kerajan-kerajaan tetangga hingga kerajaan yang cukup jauh seperti Majapahit dan Sriwijaya.

Sayangnya, kemashyuran yang dicapai oleh raja yang berputra dua orang yang masing-masing bernama Raden Pangrurah dan Ratu Simbarkencana ini membuat banyak orang mengincar tahtanya. Dan pada puncaknya beliau pun tewas akibat ditikam oleh Centang Barang suruhan dari Patih Palembang Gunung. Kemudian Palembang Gunung menggantikan Sunan Talaga Manggung dengan beristrikan Ratu Simbarkencana, anak kedua dari raja yang ditumbangkannya. Tidak beberapa lama kemudian Ratu Simbarkencana membunuh Palembang Gunung atas petunjuk hulubalang Citrasinga dengan tusuk konde sewaktu tidur.

Dengan tewasnya Palembang Gunung, maka Ratu Simba Kencana pun naik tahta dan kemudian menikah dengan turunan Panjalu bernama Raden Kusumalaya Ajar Kutamanggu dan dianugrahi 8 orang putera diantaranya yang terkenal sekali putera pertama Sunan Parung. Pemerintahan Ratu Simbarkencan

Pada masa pemerintahannya inilah agama islam mulai menyebar di Talaga yang dibawa oleh para santri dari Cirebon. Hal terpenting dari pemerintahannya adalah bahwa tahta pemerintahan waktu itu dipindahkan ke suatu daerah disebelah Utara Talaga bernama Walangsuji dekat kampung Buniasih.
Ratu Simbarkencana setelah wafat digantikan oleh puteranya Sunan Parung.

Pemerintahan Sunan Parung
Pemerintahan Sunan Parung tidak lama, hanya beberapa tahun saja.
Hal yang penting pada masa pemerintahannya adalah sudah adanya Perwakilan Pemerintahan yang disebut Dalem, antara lain ditempatkan di daerah Kulur, Sindangkasih, Jerokaso Maja.

Sunan Parung mempunyai puteri tunggal bernama Ratu Sunyalarang atau Ratu Parung.

Pemerintahan Ratu Sunyalarang
Karena berliau merupakan satu-satunya putri dari sunan Parung, maka selepas meninggalnya Sunan Parung, tampuk kerajaan pun berpindah ketangannya.
Sesaat setelah memegang tampuk kerajaan, beliau menikah dengan keturunan dari Pajajaran yang dikenal dengan nama Pucuk Umum.

Pada masa pemerintahannya Agama Islam sudah berkembang dengan pesat. Banyak rakyatnya yang memeluk aama tersebut hingga akhirnya baik Ratu Sunyalarang maupun Prabu Pucuk Umum memeluk Agama Islam. Agama Islam berpengaruh besar ke daerah-daerah kekuasaannya antara lain Maja, Rajagaluh dan Majalengka.

Prabu Pucuk Umum adalah Raja Talaga ke-2 yang memeluk Agama Islam. Hubungan pemerintahan Talaga dengan Cirebon maupun Kerajaan Pajajaran baik sekali. Sebagaimana diketahui Prabu Pucuk Umum adalah keturunan dari prabu Siliwangi karena dalam hal ini ayah beliau yang bernama Raden Munding Sari Ageng merupakan putera dari Prabu Siliwangi. Jadi pernikahan Prabu Pucuk Umum dengan Ratu Sunyalarang merupakan perkawinan keluarga dalam derajat ke-IV.
Hal terpenting pada masa pemerintahan Ratu Sunyalarang adalah Talaga menjadi pusat perdagangan di sebelah Selatan.

Pemerintahan Rangga Mantri atau Prabu Pucuk Umum
Dari pernikahan Raden Rangga Mantri dengan Ratu Parung (Ratu Sunyalarang) melahirkan 6 orang putera yaitu
Prabu Haurkuning
Sunan Wanaperih
Dalem Lumaju Agung
Dalem Panuntun
Dalem Panaekan

Akhir abad XV Masehi, penduduk Majalengka telah beragama Islam.
Beliau sebelum wafat telah menunjuk putera-puteranya untuk memerintah di daerah-daerah kekuasaannya, seperti halnya : Sunan Wanaperih memegang tampuk pemerintahan di Walagsuji;
Dalem Lumaju Agung di kawasan Maja;
Dalem Panuntun di Majalengka sedangkan putera pertamanya, Prabu Haurkuning, di Talaga yang selang kemudian di Ciamis. Kelak keturunan beliau banyak yang menjabat sebagai Bupati.
Sedangkan Dalem Panaekan dulunya dari Walangsuji kemudian berpindah-pindah menuju Riung Gunung, sukamenak, nunuk Cibodas dan Kulur.
Prabu Pucuk Umum dimakamkan di dekat Situ Sangiang Kecamatan Talaga.

Pemerintahan Sunan Wanaperih
Dimasa pemerintahan raja yang berputra 6 orang yaitu :

  1. Dalem Cageur

  2. Dalem Kulanata

  3. Apun Surawijaya atau Sunan Kidul

  4. Ratu Radeya

  5. Ratu Putri

  6. Dalem Wangsa Goparana

seluruh rakyat telah memeluk agama islam. Maka dari sinilah kerajaan yang semula dikenal luas sebagai kerajaan hindu pun berganti menjadi kerajaan islam.

Diceritakan bahwa Ratu Radeya menikah dengan Arya Sarngsingan sedangkan Ratu Putri menikah dengan putra Syech Abu Muchyi dari Pamijahan bernama Sayid Ibrahim Cipager.
Dalem Wangsa Goparana pindah ke Sagalaherang Cianjur, kelak keturunan beliau ada yang menjabat sebagai bupati seperti Bupati Wiratanudatar I di Cikundul. Sunan Wanaperih memerintah di Walangsuji, tetapi beliau digantikan oleh puteranya Apun Surawijaya, maka pusat pemerintahan kembali ke Talaga. Putera Apun Surawijaya bernama Pangeran Ciburuy atau disebut juga Sunan Ciburuy atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan Pangeran Surawijaya menikah dengan putri Cirebon bernma Ratu Raja Kertadiningrat saudara dari Panembahan Sultan Sepuh III Cirebon.

Pangeran Surawijaya dianungrahi 6 orang anak yaitu :

  1. Dipati Suwarga

  2. Mangunjaya

  3. Jaya Wirya

  4. Dipati Kusumayuda

  5. Mangun Nagara

  6. Ratu Tilarnagara

Ratu Tilarnagara menikah dengan Bupati Panjalu yang bernama Pangeran Arya Secanata yang masih keturunan Prabu Haur Kuning. Pengganti Pangeran Surawijaya ialah Dipati Suwarga menikah dengan Putri Nunuk dan berputera 2 orang, yaitu :

  1. Pangeran Dipati Wiranata

  2. Pangeran Secadilaga atau pangeran Raji

Pangeran Surawijaya wafat dan digantikan oleh Pangeran Dipati Wiranata dan setelah itu diteruskan oleh puteranya Pangeran Secanata.

Eyang Raga Sari yang menikah dengan Ratu Cirebon mengantikan Pangeran Secanata. Arya Secanata memerintah ± tahun 1962; pengaruh V.O.C. sudah terasa sekali. Hingga pada tahun-tahun tersebut pemerintahan di Talaga diharuskan pindah oleh V.O.C. ke Majalengka. Karena hal inilah terjadi penolakan sehingga terjadi perlawanan dari rakyat Talaga. Peninggalan masa tersebut masih terdapat di museum Talaga berupa pistol dan meriam. Kerajaan Hindu Terakhir di Majalengka skitar tahun 1480 (pertengahan abad XV) Mesehi, di Desa Sindangkasih 3 Km dari Kta Majalengka ke Selatan, bersemayam Ratu bernama Nyi Rambut Kasih keturunan Prabu Sliliwangi yang masih teguh memeluk Agama Hindu. Ratu masih bersaudara dengan Rarasantang, Kiansantang dan Walangsungsang, kesemuanya telah masuk Agama Islam. Adanya Ratu di daerah Majalengka adalah bermula untuk menemui saudaranya di daerah Talaga bernama Raden Munding Sariageng suami dari Ratu Mayang Karuna yang waktu itu memerintah di Talaga. Di perbatasan Majalengka - Talaga, Ratu mendengar bahwa di darah tersebut sudah masuk Islam. Sehingga mengurungkan maksudnya dan menetaplah Ratu tersebut di Sindangkasih, dengan daerahnya meliputi Sindangkasih, Kulur, Kawunghilir, Cieurih, Cicenang, Cigasong, Babakanjawa, Munjul dan Cijati. Pemerintahannya sangat baik terutama masalah pertanian yang beliau perhatikan dan juga pengairan dari Beledug-Cicurug-Munjul dibuatnya secara teratur. Kira-kira tahun 1485 putera Raden Rangga Mantri yang bernama Dalem Panungtung diperintahkan menjadi Dalem di Majalengka, yang mana membawa akibat pemerintahan Nyi Rambut Kasih terjepit oleh pengaruh Agama Islam.

Kemudian lagi pada tahun 1489 utusan Cirebon, Pangeran Muhammad dan istrinya Siti Armilah atau Gedeng Badori diperintahkan untuk mendatangi Nyi Rambut Kasih dengan maksud agar Ratu maupun Kerajaan Sindangkasih masuk Islam dan Kerajaan Sindangkasih masuk kawasan ke Kesultanan Cirebon. Nyi Rambut Kasih menolak sehingga timbul pertempuran antara pasukan Sindangkasih dengan pasukan Kesultanan Cirebon. Kerajaan Sindangkasih menyerah dan masuk Islam, sedangkan Nyi Rambut Kasih tetap memeluk agama Hindu. Mulai saat inilah ada Candra Sangkala Sindangkasih Sugih Mukti - tahun 1490.

Tahun 1628 Tumenggung Bahureksa diperintahkan oleh Sultan Agung untuk menyerang Batavia, dengan bantuan pasukan-pasukan dari daerah-daerah manapun masalah logistiknya, juga pendirian loji-loji sebagai persediaan loistiknya di daerah Majalengka Utara, loji-loji banyak didirikan di Jatiwangi, Jatitujuh dan Ligung.
Mataram berpengaruh besar terhadap Majalengka, dimana banyak orang Mataram yang tidak sempat kembali ke tempat asalnya dan menetap di Majalengka.
Abad ke-XVII merupakan juga bagian dari pada peristiwa pertempuran Rangga Gempol yang berusaha membendung pasukan Mataram ke wilayah Priangan. Hal ini perlu diketahui bahwa wilayah Priangan akan diserahkan kepada V.O.C. (tahun 1677). Pasukan Rangga Gempol mundur ke Indramayu dan Majalengka.

Hubungan sejarah Sumedang yang menyatakan bahwa Geusan Ulun merupakan penurun para bupati Sumedang. Majalengka waktu itu masuk kekuasaan Sunan Girilaya, konon menyerahkan daerah Majalengka kepada Sunan tersebut sebagai pengganti Putri Harisbaya yang dibawa lari dari Keraton Cirebon ke Sumedang. Tahun 1684 Cirebon diserahkan Mataram kepada V.O.C. maka otomatis Majalengka masuk daerah V.O.C.

Tahun 1705, seluruh Jawa Barat masuk kekuasaan Hindia Belanda, pada tahun 1706 pemerintah kolonial menetapkan Pangeran Aria Cirebon sebagai seorang Gubernur untuk seluruh Priangan. Olehnya para bupati diberi wewenang untuk mengambil pajak dari rakyat, termasuk Majalengka bagi kepentingan upeti kepada pemerintah Belanda. Paksaan penanaman kopi di daerah Maja, Rajagaluh dan Lemahsugih mengakibatkan banyak rakyat yang jatuh kelaparan.

Tidak saja tanam paksa kopi, Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pun memaksa rakyat untuk menanam lada, tebu dan tanaman lain yang laku di pasaran Eropa. Hal ini semakin menambah berat beban rakyat sehingga kesengsaraan dan kelaparan terjadi di mana-man.
Tahun 1805 terjadi pemberontakan oleh Bagus Rangin dari Bantarjati menentang Belanda. pertempuran pun pecah dengan sengitnya di daerah Pangumbahan. Pasukan Bagus Rangin yang berkekuatan ± 10.000 orang kalah dan terpaksa mengakui keunggulan Belanda. Tanggal 12 Juli 1812 Bagus Rangin menerima hukuman penggal kepala di kali Cimanuk dekat Karangsambung, sekarang beliau dinobatkan sebagai pahlawan. Waktu itu pada masa pemerintahan Gubernur Hindia Belanda Henrick Wiesel (1804-180 dan dilanjutkan oleh herman Willem Daendels (1808-1811) kemudian oleh Thomas ST Raffles (1811-1816).

Kamis, 19 November 2009

Avenged Sevenfold,,.. are..

1. Matthew Charles Sanders, (born July 31, 1981) better known by his stage name M. Shadows, is currently the vocalist for the American rock band Avenged Sevenfold.
In his youth, Shadows was notorious for his disorderly conduct and misbehavior. He was quoted as saying "I was in between a good kid and a terrible kid - I had a good heart, but a terrible attitude." He attended Huntington Beach High School after being expelled from his middle school in the eighth grade. As the band was just starting out, he was the darker character of the group (hence the name "Shadows") but he also wanted to incorporate his name, Matt, into his stage name. Matt was reduced to "M" because it had a better ring when combined with his stage name and ever since he has been known as M. Shadows.

Matt used to play the piano before he began to sing in his first band, "Successful Failure". When he was growing up, he listened to a lot of punk rock such as H2O and The Misfits and got into the metal scene when his father bought him Appetite for Destruction by Guns N' Roses after he had seen them on MTV's Headbanger's Ball.

In following years, Shadows formed a number of bands with Avenged Sevenfold's rhythm guitarist Zacky Vengeance. Zacky was previously a member of a punk group called 'MPA. While Shadows was in the previously mentioned "Successful Failure", The Rev was slotted to play drums (but was admittedly too good).While in this band he penned the song "Streets," which would later be recorded after Avenged Sevenfold was formed, and released on the first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. The album was a mix of metalcore and punk rock but also includes a softer, more ballad-like song (Warmness On The Soul).

2. Brian Elwin Haner, Jr. (born July 7, 1981), better known by his stage name Synyster Gates or simply Syn or "Gates", is an American musician. He is the lead guitarist and backup vocalist for American hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold.

Guitar World magazine has ranked him as one of the top 50 fastest guitar players of all-time. Brian went to Mayfair High School in Lakewood, California and also Ocean View High School in Huntington Beach, California.He graduated from the Musicians Institute in Hollywood as part of the GIT program, studying jazz guitar. Up until that time he was primarily self taught by watching music videos and reading books, which is surprising because his father was/is a songwriter and guitar player, having played with Frank Zappa during his career. After six or so months of being there, he got a phone call from The Rev (and the rest of the current line up of Avenged Sevenfold barre Johnny Christ) asking him if he wanted to join the band as lead guitarist. Brian joined up with them rather than continuing his education and becoming a studio musician.Brian joined Avenged Sevenfold when he was 18 at the end of 1999, right before the recording of the band's first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. He was featured on their EP, "Warmness on the Soul", and on the reissue of their first album.In the Avenged Sevenfold DVD All Excess, to emphasize the seemingly random placing of names, Brian stated that his name was thought of on a drunken drive through the park with The Rev. Also, his band members claim that he originally thought that he was too good to play for the band. He corrects them by saying he said no such thing.He has won numerous awards, including the "Young Shredder" award of the year in the Metal Hammer awards in 2006 and the "Guitarist of the Year" Award for Total Guitar Magazine in 2006.Brian along with the band's drummer The Rev formerly played in an avant-garde metal band named Pinkly Smooth. They both however quit the band as they wished to concentrate full time on Avenged Sevenfold.

3. Zachary James Baker, (born December 11, 1981) better known by his stage name Zacky Vengeance, is the rhythm guitarist and harmony vocalist for the American hard rock band Avenged Sevenfold.

In high school, Zachary attended Huntington Beach High School. Baker came up with his stage name "Zacky Vengeance" because he wanted to get back at all the people whom doubted his success. He also came up with Johnny's stage name "Johnny Christ" because he said it was suiting for him,[citation needed] . In the Avenged Sevenfold DVD All Excess he recalls that before Avenged Sevenfold, he was in a punk band called MPA*, which stands for Mad Porno Action. He implies that they were not successful. He and M. Shadows (who at the time was singer for a band named Successful Failure) formed Avenged Sevenfold. He taught himself how to play the guitar when he was thirteen. Zacky was also responsible for the creation of the acronym "A7X".

Despite being left-handed, the guitar he first learned on was actually his Dad's guitar which was right-handed.[citation needed] He learned by playing upside-down, watching his favorite bands and other people he knew who played and practiced as much as he could. He would also read each edition of Guitar World cover to cover, learning the tabs of the songs published in there and watching the professionals perform it until he got it right. His influences in his style are Rancid, Misfits and Bad Religion. Zacky's favorite bands also include Metallica, Misfits and Guns N Roses.

In high school he played baseball and if it wasn't for joining Avenged Sevenfold he would be working towards the profession as a professional baseball player.

In 2003, Avenged Sevenfold came out with Waking the Fallen, which boosted A7X fan levels up. Avenged Sevenfold hit the jackpot in 2005 when their Gold selling album, City of Evil came out featuring songs such as, Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, and Seize the Day.

In 2007, Avenged Sevenfold self-produced their Self Titled Album (Avenged Sevenfold). Featuring songs such as, Critical Acclaim, Scream, Afterlife, Almost Easy and A Little Piece of Heaven.

2008- Zacky and Avenged Sevenfold have announced that they will be back in the studio by July 2009. Zacky quotes, "After touring the world for pretty much two years straight, the stars aligned and have us finishing up in Southern California and Las Vegas. If I could offer one piece of inside info it would be that these shows are the ones to see. We will be celebrating a very successful run and 10 years of madness that all started in the great state of California (though our friends in Las Vegas know how to throw a party so we can’t leave them out either). We are f*cking excited to be home and leave everything we have on the table before we get to work on a new kick-ass album. So I am personally inviting you to come out alongside our closest friends and family and leave the ear plugs at home as we throw down for these end-of-tour shows. Don’t be the one left out."

Zacky released a clothing line called "Vengeance University". The website's background features Zacky's symbol, the "V-Blade". The line currently features t-shirts, hoodies, bandanas, and necklaces. Many, if not all of the shirts in the line include his trademark "Est. 6661" or "V.U.". While Zack was on tour the site was updated weekly with photos of travels and a "Gangster of the Week".

He has a sister named Zina Baker, who is now named Zina Pacheco.She has two kids Gianna and Gavin, Zackys only niece and nephew. He has a brother named Matt Baker, who was with the band Dear & Departed. His parents are James and Maria. Zacky and his mom share the same birthday.


Zacky uses Schecter Guitars, and endorses the company.

  • The Vengeance custom S-1
  • The Vengeance Standard model
  • The ZV special designed by zacky vengeance
  • The ZV Blade
  • The ZV special with FR (as seen behind the scenes in the Live in the LBC DVD)
  • "Gynecologist"(blood splatter)
  • Zacky has many custom shop S-1 models made exclusively for him.
  • All models are loaded with Seymour Duncan JB Pickups


  • Marshall JVM205 Head
  • Marshall 1960B 4x12 Straight Cabinet

Effects units and accessories

  • Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
  • Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor
  • Line 6 PODxt Pro
  • Voodoo Lab GCX Audio Switcher
  • Radial JDX
  • Ernie Ball "Skinny Top, Heavy Bottom 10-52" strings
  • Dunlop Tortex Yellow plectrums 0.73mm (Avenged Sevenfold logo)
  • White Get'm Get'm Sergeant Stripes Strap.

4. James Owen Sullivan, (born February 10, 1981) better known by his stage name, The Rev, orThe Reverend Tholomew Plague is the drummer and back-up vocalist for the band Avenged Sevenfold, and lead vocalist in the avant-garde metal band Pinkly Smooth with fellow Avenged Sevenfold guitarist Synyster Gates. The Rev also played drums in the early millennium punk band, Vinnie 40oz and the dirt dobbers with Brantley 40 oz as lead guitarist. Sullivan currently resides in Huntington Beach, California. He is married to Leana MacFadden aka Leana Silver.
James Sullivan performed vocals and piano in his and Brian Haner Jr.'s side project, Pinkly Smooth, in 2002. He is also utilized as a back-up vocalist in Avenged Sevenfold. Besides screaming with lead vocalist M. Shadows in live versions of songs Chapter Four and Eternal Rest, the song Critical Acclaim features Sullivan on lead vocals during the chorus of the song, both singing and screaming. His vocals are also featured in other songs from the Avenged Sevenfoldeponymous album, such as "A Little Piece of Heaven", "Brompton Cocktail", "Gunslinger", "Lost", "Afterlife", and "Almost Easy". The Rev is widely respected and recognized for his accurate fast footwork, his "stick spins", and his song writing ability. He can play many different styles of drumming, having started playing drums young, playing double bass since before high school, giving Jimmy a high degree of prowess behind the drums. Jimmy also plays many different instruments other than the drums, such as the piano and guitar and has used these abilities to write songs such as "A Little Piece of Heaven". Before leaving to join Avenged Sevenfold, Jimmy performed with Pop-Rock/Ska band Suburban Legends as their drummer.The Rev endorses DW Drums & Hardware, Evans Heads, Pro-Mark Sticks and Sabian Cymbals.

Self Titled Album Recording Setup

-DW Drums Snakeskin Wrap w/ black hardware

  • 22"x18" bass drum x2
  • 8"x7" tom
  • 10"x8" tom
  • 12"x9" tom
  • 14"x11" tom
  • 16"x14" tom
  • 18"x16" tom

DW 9000 series stands and pedals.


-Sabian Cymbals

  • 14" AAX X-Celerator Hats
  • 19" AAX Metal Crash
  • 18" AA Metal-X Crash
  • 22" AAX Metal Ride (x2)
  • 19" AAX-Xtreme Chinese x2
  • 8" Chopper
  • 10" AAX Splash
  • 11" Signature Max Splash
  • 12" HH Mini Chinese

Self Titled Album Tour Setup


-Dw drums custom snakeskin wrap and black hardware: 8"x5" tom (not in use on tour) 8"x7" tom 10"x8" tom 12"x9" tom 14"x11" tom 16"x14" tom 18"x16" tom 22"x18" bass drum (x3) and a 14x5 red lava finishply snare with chrome hardware and 14"x6,5" DW bronze metal snare drum series with black hardware. Morgan Gene Jones uses different DW rack parts including DW Super Main Rack, DW Side Rack, many clamps and boom stands for microphones and cymbals.

-DW Pedals:

DW 9000 PC Single Pedal x2: The Rev only uses 2 single pedals because he doesn't use his third bass drum since it is only used for aesthetic.

Also, The Rev uses black Roc-N-Soc Nitro drum throne.


-Sabian cymbals: 14" AAX-Celerator Hi-hats, 18" AAX Metal Crash 19" Paragon China, 19" AAX Metal Crash, 22" AAX Metal Ride (x2), 19"AAXtreme Chinese, 10" AAX Splash, 8" Chopper Effects Cymbal, 11" Signature Max Splash and a 12" HH Mini Chinesee

In the studio for the last self-titled album, The Rev used also Zildjian cymbals: he used an 18" Oriental Classic China instead of the Paragon, two 21" Zildjian Z-Custom Mega Bell Rides instead of the AAX Metal Rides and an A-Custom Projection Crash instead of the AAX Metal Crashes.

-Drum Sticks:

Pro-Mark TX5BW Signature Model 5B: 16" length, .590" diameter and Easton Ahead 5B for self-titled album recording which could be seen on the Making Of The Album Video.

- Evans Heads:


Tom: Clear G2/Clear G1

Snare: Coated Power Center Reverse Dot/ Hazy 300 snare side

Bass drum:Clear EMAD/EQ3 Black Resonant (he has a third bass drum, but does not use it).

City of Evil Tour set-up


-PDP LXE Series Drums and DW Hardware: 8"x7" Tom, 10"x8" Tom, 12"x9" Tom, 14"x12" Tom, 16"x14" Tom, 22"x18" Bass Drum (x2) and a 14"x5" Snare.


-Sabian Cymbals: 14" AAX-Celerator Hi-hats, 18" AA Metal-X Crash, 19" AA Metal-X Crash, 24" AA Metal-X Ride, 18" AA Metal-X China, 7" Signature Max Splash and a 11" Signature MAX Splash.

Uses Evans Genera Batter G2 Resonant G1 Emad

Waking The Fallen Tour Set-up

-DW Drums & Hardware:

DW Collector's Series Maple with a Red to Black fade specialty lacquer finish and black hardware: 10"x8" Tom, 12"x9" Tom, 14"x12" Tom, 16"x14" Tom, 22"x18" Bassdrum and a Noble & Cooley Alloy Classic snare drum.

-Zildjian Cymbals:

From left to right of his set-up

14" A Custom Hi-Hats, 10" A Custom Splash, 18" Z Custom Rock Crash, 19" A Custom Projection Crash, 21" Z Custom Mega Bell Ride, 18" FX Oriental Classic China

Drum Heads:

Remo and DW Remo Heads


He is influenced by drummers such as Vinnie PaulMike Portnoy, and Terry Bozzio.

5. Jonathan Lewis Seward, (born November 18, 1984), better known by his stage name Johnny Christ, is the bassist of the band Avenged Sevenfold. Johnny Christ was the fourth bassist to join Avenged Sevenfold in 2002, replacing former members Matt Wendt, Dameon Ash, and Justin Sane. He grew up in Huntington Beach, California.

Johnny Christ attended Marina High School in Huntington Beach, California. He proceeded through high school and eventually formally met M. ShadowsZacky VengeanceSynyster Gates, and The Rev (the latter of the two which he already knew from school). He is also friends with Zacky Vengeance's younger brother Matt Baker formerly from the band The Dear & Departed. In May 2009 he participated in the Gumball 3000 Rally, driving coast to coast with the Fuel Girls. Johnny can be seen with girlfriend Lacey Franklin.

Musical career

Johnny initially took a few weeks off from high school during his senior year to fill in for Avenged Sevenfold's previous bassist, Dameon Ash, during one of their tours. These few weeks would become permanent as Johnny dropped out of high school to become the band's current bassist.

When the band was practicing in M. Shadows's parent's garage, Johnny would walk down the street and tell them that their bassist was inadequate and that they should let him play with them instead.

His two biggest influences are Cliff Burton (now deceased bassist for Metallica) and Duff McKagan(the bassist from Velvet Revolver and formerly Guns N Roses). The person that inspired him the most to pick up a bass was Les Claypool, the bassist and vocalist from Primus.

His playing style varies by song. He primarily uses a pick.

Johnny first recorded on their second album Waking the Fallen. He used to write only Johnny on his autographs until Zacky came up with the name 'Johnny Christ', and in All Excess he said, "That sounds... really ballsy. Everyone's gonna hate that, so... I should definitely go with that!" He resides in Huntington Beach, Orange County.


  • Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray Custom Black W/ Steel Pickguard
  • Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray W/ Custom "Mr.Death" Graphic
  • Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray Custom Grey Burst W/ Matching Head Stock
  • Ernie Ball Musicman Sterling (2H) Bass
  • Ernie Ball Musicman 30th Anniversary Stingray
  • Seymour Duncan Pickups
  • Gallien Krueger 412 Neo cab
  • Gallien Krueger 410RBH Cabs x2
  • Gallien Krueger 2001 RB Head x2
  • Ernie Ball 2831 Power Slinky Bass Strings

Also Seen In Recording

  • Visual Sound H20 Chorus & Echo
  • Boss GEB-7 Bass Equalizer
  • Tech 21 SansAmp RBI Bass Driver DI
  • Ampeg SVT CL Head
  • Dunlop CryBaby Bass WAH
  • Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 5 Red w/ White Pick Guard
  • Line6 Bass Pod
  • Ibanez GSR 205 W/ Gold Inlays

Old Setup

  • Ernie Ball Musicman Sterling Bass Black/Black
  • Ampeg SVT 8x10 Cab
  • Gallien Krueger 1001 RB Head
  • Ernie Ball 2831 Power Slinky Bass Strings

My Sevenfold...

Avenged Sevenfold is an American rock band from Huntington Beach, California, formed in 1999. The band has achieved mainstream success with their 2005 album City of Evil, which included singles such as "Burn It Down", "Bat Country," "Beast and the Harlot" and "Seize the Day." The band's success followed with their self-titled album, with singles such as "Critical Acclaim", "Almost Easy", "Afterlife", "Scream" and "Dear God".

Band history
Inception (1999-2004)

The band was formed in 1999 in Huntington Beach, California with original members M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev and Matt Wendt. M Shadows came up with the name as a reference to the story of Cain and Abel from The Bible, although it is not a religious band.[clarification needed Upon its formation, each member of the band also took on a pseudonym which were already nicknames of theirs from high school. Before release their debut album, the band recorded two demos in 1999 and 2000. Avenged Sevenfold's debut album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was recorded when the band members were just eighteen years old and in high school. It was originally released on their first label,[clarification needed] Good Life Recordings in 2001. After lead guitarist Synyster Gates joined the band,at the end of 1999 when he was 18 at the introductory track "To End the Rapture" was re-recorded featuring a full band element. The album was subsequently re-released on Hopeless Records in 2002.

The band started to receive recognition, performing with bands such as Mushroomhead and Shadows Fall and playing on the Take Action Tour. Having settled on their fourth bassist, Johnny Christ, they released Waking the Fallen on Hopeless Records in August 2003. The band received profiles in Billboard and The Boston Globe, and played in the Vans Warped Tour. In 2004, Avenged Sevenfold toured again on the Vans Warped Tour and recorded a video for their song "Unholy Confessions" which went into rotation on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball. Shortly after the release of Waking the Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold left Hopeless Records and were signed to Warner Bros. Records.
City of Evil (2005–2007)

City of Evil, the band's third album and major label debut, was released on June 7, 2005 and debuted at #30 on the Billboard 200 chart, selling over 30,000 copies in its first week of release. It utilized a more epic, classic metal sound than Avenged Sevenfold's previous albums, which had been grouped into the metalcore genre.[11][12] The album is also notable for the absence of screaming vocals; M. Shadows worked with vocal coach Ron Anderson—whose clients have included Axl Rose and Chris Cornell—for months before the album's release to achieve a sound that had "grit while still having the tone".

They returned to the Vans Warped Tour, this time headlining and then continued on their own "Cities of Evil Tour." In addition, their lead single "Bat Country" reached #2 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Charts, #6 on Billboard's Modern Rock Charts and the accompanying video made it to #1 on MTV's Total Request Live.[15] Propelled by this success, the album sold well and became Avenged Sevenfold's first gold record.[clarification needed] They would go onto win "Best New Artist" at MTV's Video Music Awards, beating out artists like Rihanna, Panic at the Disco and Chris Brown.
Self-titled album (2007-2008)
Zacky Vengeance in 2007.

Avenged Sevenfold's mainstream success got them an invitation to 2006's Ozzfest tour on the main stage, alongside other well known hard rock and heavy metal acts DragonForce, Lacuna Coil, Hatebreed, Disturbed and System of a Down. That same year they also completed a worldwide tour, including the US, The United Kingdom (as well as mainland Europe), Japan, Australia and New Zealand. After being on tour for sixteen months in promotion of City of Evil, the band announced that they were cancelling their Fall 2006 tour in favor of recording new music. M. Shadows stated that their fourth studio album—which the band self-titled and self-produced—would not be a "City of Evil Part 2" or "Waking the Fallen Part 2," but would incorporate a new, grittier sound. To tide the fans over in between albums, the band released their first DVD titled All Excess on July 17, 2007.[20] All Excess, which debuted as the #1 DVD in the USA, included live performances and backstage footage that spanned the band's eight year career. Two tribute albums, Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: Bat Wings and Broken Strings and Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: The String Tribute were also released in October 2007.

Avenged Sevenfold, the band's fourth album, was released on October 30, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Billboard 200 with over 90,000 copies sold.[21] Two singles, "Critical Acclaim" and "Almost Easy" were released prior to the album's debut. In December 2007, an animated video was made for "A Little Piece of Heaven." Due to the song's controversial subject matter, however, Warner Brothers only released it to registered MVI users over the internet. The third single, "Afterlife" and its video was released in January 2008. Their fourth single, "Dear God", was released on September 30, 2008. The self-titled album went onto sell over 500,000 copies and was awarded "Album of the Year" at the Kerrang! Awards.
Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008–2009)

Avenged Sevenfold headlined the 2008 Taste of Chaos tour with Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Blessthefall and Idiot Pilot. They used the footage from their last show in Long Beach for Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough, a two-disc B-sides CD and live DVD which was released on September 16, 2008. They also recorded numerous covers, including Pantera's "Walk," Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" (the first two of which were included on "Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough"). They will also be releasing a Guitar Tutorial DVD, which include the five tracks, Afterlife, Almost Easy, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot and Trashed And Scattered, breaking down the guitar solos and riffs in each song.

During a sold-out festival performance in Leeds and Reading, the band were forced to shorten their Leeds performance and cancel their Reading performance due to a vocal strain sustained by M. Shadows. A few days later, the band was forced to announce the cancellation of the remaining September shows, with the tour set to resume again on October 15.
New album (2009 onward)
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In January 2009, M. Shadows confirmed that the band is writing the follow-up to their self-titled fourth album within the upcoming months. They also announced that they will be playing at Rock on the Range, from May 16-17, 2009. In April 16, they performed a version of Guns N' Roses' "It's So Easy" onstage with Slash, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. M. Shadows has also been confirmed to be a featured vocalist on Slash's forthcoming solo album Slash & Friends.

M. Shadows and the rest of the band has expressed interest in making a follow-up to their self-titled record. They announced that they plan to start writing in June 2009 and recording in October 2009. M. Shadows also said in an interview with Loveline that the next record would be a more classic metal, more rock-oriented record, since the self-titled record was very experimental. He also said it would feature more progressive, longer songs and would be the "biggest Avenged Sevenfold record ever." Additionally, he said they were possibly thinking about a concept record.

On July 15, 2009, their website and MySpace page updated with a statement from Shadows implying that work on this next album has started, but they are still "throwing around ideas". This update was on the same day that Waking the Fallen went Gold.

In an interview, vocalist M. Shadows has revealed that after the band will complete their tour with a final performance at the Sonisphere Festival on August 2, they will get in the studio to write and record a new studio album, a follow-up to their self-titled album.


In general, Avenged Sevenfold is classified as an important and influential band in Heavy Metal.[33][not in citation given] Their material spans multiple genres and has evolved over the band's ten year career. Initially, Avenged Sevenfold's debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet consisted almost entirely of metalcore sound; however, there were several deviations to this genre, most notably in "Streets" which adopts a punk style and "Warmness on the Soul," which is a piano-oriented ballad.[34][unreliable source?] On Waking The Fallen, the band displayed a more refined and fluent metalcore album that was able to harness the rawness of the first album and add more mature and intricate musical elements. In the band's DVD All Excess, producer Andrew Mudrock explained this transition: "When I met the band after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet had come out before they had recorded Waking the Fallen, M. Shadows said to me 'This record is screaming. The record we want to make is going to be half-screaming half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore. And the record after that is going to be all singing.'" On City of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold's third album, the band chose to abandon the metalcore genre, developing a more punk metal/thrash style. Also, the drumming on both these albums is played in a more thrash-influenced alternative metal style. Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album, again, consists of several deviations to less consistent genres and styles from the album's main hard rock and heavy metal songs, most notably in "Dear God", which adopts a country style and "A Little Piece of Heaven", which includes elements of Broadway show tunes, using primarily brass instruments and stringed orchestra to take over most of the role of the lead and rhythm guitar. The band has changed considerably since its first album, which since then they have been characterized as a heavy band with screams and growls combined with clean vocals that one can expect from the metalcore genre.
Band name and lyrical content

The band's name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible - specifically Genesis 4:24, where Cain is sentenced to life in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin; the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over" (KJV)[35]. The abbreviation "A7X" for their band name was the idea of guitarist Zacky Vengeance. The title of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" refers to the fourth chapter of Genesis, in which the story of Cain and Abel takes place. The song's subject also appears to be this story. "Beast and the Harlot", yet another song derived from the Bible, comes from the Book of Revelation only it is written in the first person and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion. Another biblical reference occurs in the song "The Wicked End". In this song, several times it is said "dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right." making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Although the band's title and members' stage names make references to religion, Shadows stated in an interview that they are not a religious band. "Anyone that reads the lyrics and really knew anything about us, they would know we're not promoting either," he said. "That's one thing about this band that I love is that we never really shove any kind of, like, political or religious beliefs on people. We just, the music's there to entertain and maybe thought-provoking on both sides, but we don't try to, like, really shove anything down anyone's throat. There's too many bands that do that nowadays, I think."[36] The band has a few songs that are somewhat political in nature like "Critical Acclaim", "Gunslinger" and "Blinded In Chains". The song "Betrayed" off of their album "City of Evil" was written about "Dimebag" Darrel's, of Pantera and Damageplan, death.
The Deathbat

The band sports a logo known as the "Deathbat". It was originally designed by an artistic high school friend of Avenged Sevenfold, Micah Montague, as seen on the band's first DVD, All Excess. The Deathbat has appeared on all of the band's album covers, many of which were done by Cameron Rackam, a close friend of the band. The Deathbat has developed from just being a skull with bat wings, to sometimes appear as a full "man size" skeleton with bat wings, as it can be seen at the cover of City of Evil. On Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, there are pictures of two people (Presumably Cain and Abel), another angel-like human and a semi-opaque Deathbat below it. It also appears on covers of a number of singles such as "Bat Country", "Warmness on the Soul" and "Critical Acclaim."
Band members
Current members
M. Shadows lead vocals, keyboards, guitars, synth, organ (since 1999)
Synyster Gates lead guitar, backing vocals, piano, keys, synth, organ (since 2000)
Zacky Vengeance rhythm guitar, backing vocals, acoustic guitars, piano (since 1999)
Johnny Christ bass, backing vocals (since 2002)
The Rev drums, percussion, backing vocals, piano (since 1999)
Former members
Dameon Ash bass (2001 - 2002)
Justin Sane bass, piano (2000 - 2001)
Matt Wendt bass (1999 - 2000)
Main article: Avenged Sevenfold discography

* Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (2001)
* Waking the Fallen (2003)
* City of Evil (2005)
* Avenged Sevenfold (2007)

Selasa, 17 November 2009

About Guns N Roses...

February 6th, 1962 - W. Axl Rose (real name William Bailey) is born in Lafayette, Indiana. His stepfather's surname is Bailey, but when he discovers that his real father's surname is Rose, William changes his to Rose. Axl was a band he used to sing in.
April 8th, 1962 - Izzy Stradlin (real name Jeff Isbell) is born in Lafayette, Indiana.
February 5th, 1964 - Duff McKagan (real name Michael) is born in Seattle, Washington.
January 22nd, 1965 - Steven Adler is born in Cleveland, Ohio
July 23rd, 1965 - Slash (real name Saul Hudson) is born in Stoke-On-Trent, England.
1972 - Steven moves to Los Angeles.
1976 - Slash moves to LA with his mother.
1980 - Izzy moves to Los Angeles. He joins a punk band called Naughty Women as their drummer. Later he plays with the Atoms (drums) and Shire (bass).
At the age of 16, Duff becomes The Fastbacks' second drummer. Before joining The Fastbacks, he had played in the Vains and the Living (with Greg Gilmore). Duff had lived in San Francisco when he was in the hardcore band Silly Killers (drummer). He moved back to Seattle and joined Cannibal (guitar). He also played in the last version of the Fartz.
December 5th, 1980 - Duff plays his first show as the Fastbacks' drummer at the Gorilla Room in Seattle, WA.
1981 - Slash plays in his first band called Tidus Sloan.
January 20th, 1981 - The Fastbacks, with Duff on drums, entered Triangle studios for their first real recording session.
They recorded four songs: Someone Else's Room, Was Late, It's Your Birthday and You Can't Be Happy.
March 6th, 1981 - The Fastbacks open a show for Joan Jett.
July 24th, 1981 - Duff plays his last show as the drummer in the Fastbacks at the Gorilla Room in Seattle, WA.
September, 1981 - A Seattle concert venue called The Gorilla Room was shut down by the Liquor Board because of repeated violations. Underage musicians were getting in to play, which was legal under certain restrictions, but they were getting their underage friends and siblings in, which wasn't legal. One of the under-21s caught on the premises was Duff.
December 19th, 1982 - Axl leaves Lafayette for good. He and his girlfriend moves into some shit hole at 1921 Whitley Avenue in Hollywood.
1983 - In 1983 The Fartz changed their name to 10 Minute Warning when bassist Steve Fart quit. The remaining members (Blaine Cook, Duff McKagan and Paul Solger) concentrated on what Duff called "tunes for groovin', not tunes for anti-this or anti-that". Solger recalls the band as "melding punk rock with more psychedelic 60s stuff; not so much heavy metal yet, except for early Black Sabbath".
David Garriques joined on bass. He was succeeded by Daniel House.

Soon Cook, who was the last original Fartz member, quit. His replacement as the new singer was Steve Verwolf. This line-up recorded tracks for an unreleased EP in early 1984.

When drummer Greg Gilmore joined, Duff switched to guitar. While House and Verwolf were in the band, 10 Minute Warning evolved further from hardcore toward a semi-improvisational gothic feel that Henry Rollins compared to a punk version of Hawkwind.

This lineup recorded an album's worth of material, unreleased, before they split at the beginning of 1985. Their last official gig was at Lincoln Arts.

While living in Seattle Duff had been asked to join an English band called Angelic Upstarts. But by joining the band he'd have to move to England, so he declined the offer.

Axl plays in a band called Rapidfire in 1983. In May 1983 they record a demo with the songs Ready To Rumble, All Night Long, The Prowler and On The Run.

Chris Weber met Izzy through Tracii Guns. Izzy introduced Axl to Chris and together they started a band called Rose (which was first called A.X.L.).

Other members in Rose were Chris Weber (guitar) and Johnny Kreiss (aka Johnny Christ) (drums). Johnny was found through an ad in The Recycler. On bass they had Rick Mars and later Andre Roxx.

Later they changed the name to Hollywood Rose.

The band's first show was at the Orphanage. They also played venues such as the Troubadour, the Country Club and Madam Wong's East.

They played shows with bands such as Mondo Cain, Bitch, The Mercenaries and Candy.

While Axl and Izzy were in Rose they wrote a song called "My Way - Your Way". It turned up as "Anything Goes" on "Appetite For Destruction". Other songs from that period are "Shadow Of Your Love" and "Wreckless" (later renamed to "Reckless Life").

Slash plays in Tidus Sloan with Ron Schneider (bass) and Adam Greenberg (drums). Later on, he starts Road Crew.

September 1st, 1983 - Slash decides to change Tidus Sloan's name to Roadcrew.
1984 - Rose/Hollywood Rose plays shows in the Los Angeles area.
Slash plays in Road Crew (with Steven) and London.

January, 1984 - The Fastbacks' first tour. Duff was their first roadie.
Hollywood Rose (Axl, Izzy, Chris Weber and Johnny Kreis) record a demo featuring the tracks "Killing Time", "Anything Goes", "Rocker", "Shadow Of Your Love" and "Reckless Life".

January 3rd, 1984 - Rose, with Axl and Izzy, play a show at the Orphanage in North Hollywood, CA.
March 16th, 1984 - Hollywood Rose plays at Madame Wong's East in Los Angeles, CA.
June 16th, 1984 - The New Hollywood Rose plays at Madame Wong's West. The line-up for this gig is Axl, Slash, Steven Darrow and Steven Adler. It was the first time Axl played a show with Slash and Steven.
June 28th, 1984 - Hollywood Rose (with Slash on guitar) plays at Madam Wong's East in Hollywood, CA.
July 10th, 1984 - The New Hollywood Rose plays at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
July 20th, 1984 - Hollywood Rose has a show at Madame Wong's West. Songs played include titles such as "Reckless", "Anything Goes", "Rock N' Roll Survivor", "Back Off Bitch", "Nice Boys", "Rock N' Roll Rose" and a cover of Nazareth's "Hair Of The Dog" to end the show.
August 29th, 1984 - The New Hollywood Rose plays at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA. The band has replaced Steve Darrow on bass.with a guy named Snake.
August 31st, 1984 - Hollywood Rose plays a "After Hours Party" show at the Shamrock Studios on Santa Monica Boulevard at 2:00AM.
During 1984 Hollywood Rose also opens for the band Stryper at the Music Machine. Also on the bill is Slash's band at the time called Black Sheep. Hollywood Rose breaks up after this show.

Izzy joins a band called London while Axl sings in LA Guns with Ole Beich on bass and Rob Gardner on drums.

September, 1984 - After playing in Hollywood Rose, Slash auditions for Poison.
October 5th, 1984 - L.A. Guns, with Axl on vocals, has a show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA. Also on the bill is London. L.A. Guns performs the songs "Bloodshot Eyes", "Shadow Of Your Love", "Nice Boys", "If You Don't Love Me", "Stick To Your Guns", "Anything Goes" and "Heartbreak Hotel". Tracii Guns is on guitar, Rob Gardner on drums and Ole Beich on bass.
October 13th, 1984 - Axl, now singing in L.A. Guns, have a show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
December 31st, 1984 - Hollywood Rose reunites for a New Year's Eve show at the Dancing Waters.
Rob Gardner is on drums and Steve Darrow on bass.

Chris Weber was later replaced by Tracii Guns.

January, 1985 - In January 1985 Duff and his friend, Greg Gilmore, moved down to LA. They started to answer ads and attending auditions together.
Duff decided to start playing the bass instead of guitar.

Through one ad, in the Recycler, Duff met Slash and Steve Adler. They started a band called Road Crew . While in Road Crew Slash came up with a riff that later turned up in a song called "Paradise City".

Greg Gilmore attended a few of their practices, but he decided to move back to Seattle (later he played in Mother Love Bone, which also included Jeff Ament and Stone Gossard, both are now members of Pearl Jam).

March 26th, 1985 - A flyer for a show at The Troubadour in Los Angeles says "L.A Guns and Hollywood Rose presents the band Guns N' Roses". The band's line-up is: Axl Rose (vocals), Izzy Stradlin (guitar), Tracii Guns (guitar), Ole Beich (bass) and Rob Gardner (drums).
The band calls themselves Guns N' Roses (they rejected the names Heads Of Amazon and AIDS).

April 24th, 1985 - The flyer for GN'R show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA says Forget The Bullshit Here's Guns N' Roses. The line-up of GN'R looked like this: Axl Rose (vocals), Izzy Stradlin (guitar), Tracii Guns (guitar), Ole Beich (bass) and Rob Gardner (drums).
April 25th, 1985 - Show at the Dancing Waters in San Pedro, CA.
April 27th, 1985 - GN'R plays a show at the Timbers Club in Glendora, CA.
May 31st, 1985 - Black Sheep, with Slash on guitar, plays at the Country Club in Los Angeles, CA.
June 6th, 1985 - The GN'R lineup of:
W. Axl Rose (vocals)
Slash (lead guitars)
Izzy Stradlin (rhythm guitar)
Duff McKagan (bass)
Steven Adler (drums)

plays at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA."A Rock N Roll Bash Where Everyones Smashed"

Duff had some connections in Seattle and booked gigs for the band. Tracii was replaced by Slash since he didn't show up for rehearsal.

Late 1985:

Guns N' Roses played LA clubs like the Whiskey A Go-Go, the Roxy, the Water Club, the Troubadour and Scream. The sets used to begin with an intro tape of "What's That Noise" by the Stormtroopers Of Death. GN'R played early versions of original songs like "Welcome To The Jungle", "Reckless Life", "It's So Easy" and "Don't Cry". By the end of 1985 the band had already written fourteen original songs.

The band had to play covers to keep the club audiences happy. They played songs by Aerosmith ("Mama Kin"), Elvis Presley ("Heartbreak Hotel") and The Rolling Stones ("Jumping Jack Flash").

June 8th, 1985 - GN'R plays in Seattle with The Fastbacks.
This is from Clark Humphrey's book "Loser The Real Seattle Music Story":

Fastbacks-Silly Killers-Vains-Fartz-10 Minute Warning vet Duff McKagan returned from L.A. to perform one show at the Omni Room. It was the first show on the first tour by his new band, first called Hollywood Rose but by then known as Guns n' Roses (the Fastbacks opened). The band hitchhiked part of the way when its van broke down on Interstate 5; the guys only received $50 of their promised $250 fee for a gig only 13 people saw.

GN'R rehearsed for a couple of days and started The Hell Tour. The trip to Seattle wasn't a success. After driving 100 miles their car broke down. They had to hitchhike and when they arrived in Seattle no one cared about them. Most of the shows had been cancelled and they only got $50 a show instead of the promised $250.

GN'R went back to Los Angeles and continued to rehearse. Their "home" on Sunset Boulevard was called The Hell House. They hadn't money so they lived on cheap wine and biscuits.

June 28th, 1985 - Guns N' Roses show at the Stardust Ballroom in Hollywood, CA. GN'R's cover of "Mama Kin" was performed for the first time at this show.
July 4th, 1985 - Show at Madame Wong's East in Los Angeles, CA.
July 20th, 1985 - GN'R play at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA. "Welcome To The Jungle" is played for the first time at this show.
July 21st, 1985 - Show at a frat party at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA.
July 26th, 1985 - A show at The Seance with a very drunk Slash on guitar.
August 30th, 1985 - Show at the Stardust Ballroom in Hollywood, CA.
August 31st, 1985 - "Diamonds In The Rough", GN'R plays at the Roxy Theatre in Hollywood, CA.
September 20th, 1985 - "Welcome To The Jungle" GN'R at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
September 28th, 1985 - Guns N' Roses is one of the bands playing at the 8th Annual L.A. Street Scene.
October 10th, 1985 - "Paradise City" is performed for the first time at a show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
October 18th, 1985 - Show at the the Country Club in Los Angeles.
October 31st, 1985 - Halloween Eve show at the Radio City in Anaheim, CA.
November 22nd, 1985 - Show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
December 20th, 1985 - GN'R plays at the Music Machine in Los Angeles, CA. Nightrain is performed for the first time at this show.
January 4th, 1986 - GN'R plays a show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
The flyer for the show says: "Get Yourself Together, Drink Till You Drop, Forget About Tomorrow, Have Another Shot. Happy New Year! From the boys who brought you the most chaotic shows of 1985."

January 18th, 1986 - GN'R at the Roxy Theatre in Hollywood, CA.
February 28th, 1986 - Show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
March 21st, 1986 - GN'R plays at Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach, CA.
March 25th, 1986 - GN'R signs with Geffen Records. Later the band starts to record their album at Rumbo Studios, but nothing gets done. Slash is having problems with drugs. He has to make a decision, drugs or the band. He chooses the band, after all they were his only friends.
March 28th, 1986 - Two GN'R shows at the Roxy Theatre in Hollywood, CA.The first one was at 8:00PM and the second one at 10:00PM.
April 5th, 1986 - Show at the legendary Whisky a Go Go in Hollywood, CA.
May 1st, 1986 - Unplugged show at the Central.
May 13th, 1986 - GN'R plays at Raji's in Hollywood, CA.
May 31st, 1986 - Show at Gazzarri's in West Hollywood, CA. GN'R are billed as Fargyn Bastydges.
July 11th, 1986 - Show at the Troubadour in Hollywood, CA.
July 21st, 1986 - GN'R plays at Bogart's.
August, 1986 - Alan Niven is hired as GN'R's manager. Tim Collins (Aerosmith's manager) was interested, but after the boys ordered drinks on his hotel bill, he changed his mind.
GN'R begin recording the songs that became " Appetite For Destruction".

August 23rd, 1986 - GN'R plays at the Whisky A Go Go in West Hollywood, CA. First performance of "Sweet Child O' Mine," "Mr. Brownstone" and "Ain't Going Down".
August 30th, 1986 - Opening for Ted Nugent at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.
September 13th, 1986 - Show at the Music Machine in Los Angeles, CA. Axl introduces Nightrain with "This is a song about getting drunk. We'll dedicate this to Dizzy and his hand."
September 20th, 1986 - Show at the 9th Annual L.A. Street Scene.
October 23rd, 1986 - GN'R opens for Alice Cooper at the Arlington Theatre in Santa Barbara, CA. Axl wasn't allowed into the venue because his name wasn't on the list. So the band performed without him.
October 31st, 1986 - GN'R open for the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Ackerman Hall (UCLA) in Los Angeles, CA.
December, 1986 - The recording of "Appetite For Destruction" was finished and the mixing started. Geffen planned to release the record in July 1987.
December, 1986 - Geffen releases a four song EP called "Live ?!'@ Like A Suicide" on GN'R's own Uzi Suicide label. 10,000 copies of the EP is released. It starts of with a roadie screaming "Hey fuckers, suck on Guns and fucking Roses!".
December 21st, 1986 - GN'R opens for Cheap Trick at Fenders Ballroom in Long Beach, CA.
December 23rd, 1986 - A release party for "Live ?!'@ Like A Suicide" at the Cathouse in Hollywood, CA.
December 31st, 1986 - A New Year's Eve show at The Glamour in Los Angeles, CA. Jane's Addiction and Jetboy were among the list of other acts on the bill.

March 16th, 1987 - Show at the Whisky a Go Go in Hollywood, CA.
March 29th, 1987 - GN'R plays at the The Roxy, Hollywood, CA. or as the flyer said: "Geffen Recording Artist Guns & Roses 1 Final Blowout Show".
June 15th, 1987 - "It's So Easy" and "Mr. Brownstone" released by Geffen.
June 19th, 1987 - The band makes their European debut at the London Marquee. The first show is a disaster. It was on a Friday night and the crowd was very drunk. The press didn't help GN'R much by printing all kinds of sensational stories about them. A headline in the Star: A rock band even nastier than the Beastie Boys is heading for Britain!
Axl tells the crowd to stop throwing things or they'll leave. Before Nightrain he tells a story about getting thrown out of the Tower Records store because he sat down. First performance of Knockin' On Heaven's Door.

June 22nd, 1987 - Second show in London.
June 28th, 1987 - GN'R's last show at the Marquee was the best of these three. The audience enjoyed the covers (AC/DC's "Whole Lotta Rosie" and Bob Dylan's "Knockin' On Heaven's Door") and GN'R played better than on the two first shows.
July 21st, 1987 - "Appetite For Destruction" is released in the US by Geffen Records. The record was produced by Mike Clink who had been working with Ozzy Osbourne and Heart. The cover art featured a painting by Robert Williams which got censored.
August, 1987 - "Appetite For Destruction" is released in the UK.
August 1st, 1987 - GN'R's first video, "Welcome To The Jungle", is shot at Park Plaza & 450 S. La Brea, Hollywood.
August 2nd, 1987 - Second day of the "Jungle" video shoot.
August 14th, 1987 - The first show opening for The Cult in North America is in Halifax, NS. The band will be on tour with The Cult in August and September.
August 17th, 1987 - Show in Montreal, QC at the Verdun Auditorium. The Cult headlines.
August 18th, 1987 - Opening for The Cult in Kitchener, ON at the Superskate.
August 19th, 1987 - GN'R are the opening at The Cult's show at the CNE Grandstand in Toronto, ON.
August 21st, 1987 - Opening for The Cult in Detroit, MI at the State Theatre.
August 22nd, 1987 - Show opening for The Cult at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, IL.
August 25th, 1987 - Another Canadian date opening for The Cult. This one is in Winnipeg, MB at the Winnipeg Arena
August 26th, 1987 - GN'R are in Edmonton, AB opening for The Cult at the Edmonton Convention Centre.
August 27th, 1987 - Show in Calgary, AB at the Max Bell Arena. Opening for The Cult.
August 29th, 1987 - Opening for The Cult in Vancouver, BC at the Coliseum Theatre.
August 30th, 1987 - Show as opening act for The Cult in Duff's hometown Seattle, WA. The venue is the Paramount Theatre.
September 2nd, 1987 - The first Californian show on the tour opening for The Cult is in San Francisco at the Warfield Theatre.
September 3rd, 1987 - Show opening for The Cult in Santa Cruz, CA at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium.
September 4th, 1987 - GN'R are playing at the SDSU Open Air Theatre in San Diego, CA as the opening act for The Cult. Axl introduces Nightrain with "I got a tip. If you ain't got no money, and you wanna get fucked up, you find these liquor stores that the winos hit up you know? And right beside Thunderbird, you'll find a bottle of Nightrain. That'll fuck up you twice as bad as that Thunderbird and it's only a buck and a quarter. If you drink a quart, I don't care how bad you are, you're gonna black out. This is called Nightrain."
September 5th, 1987 - Show opening for The Cult in Long Beach, CA at the Long Beach Arena.
September 11th, 1987 - First show in Texas on the tour opening for The Cult in San Antonio at the Sunken Garden Amphitheatre.
September 12th, 1987 - GN'R are in Austin, TX opening for The Cult at the Palmer Auditorium.
September 13th, 1987 - Opening for The Cult in Dallas, TX at the Bronco Bowl Auditorium.
September 16th, 1987 - Show in Houston, TX at the Houston Music Hall. The Cult are headlining.
September 17th, 1987 - The last show as the opening act for The Cult is in New Orleans, LA at the Sanegar Theater.
September 29th, 1987 - The European tour starts at the Markethalle in Hamburg, West Germany. The band plays shows in West Germany, The Netherlands and a five date UK tour with Faster Pussycat. This tour was originally going to be headlined by Aerosmith, but they pulled out at the last minute.
September 30th, 1987 - Show at Tor 3 in Düsseldorf, West Germany.
October 2nd, 1987 - GN'R plays at the Paradiso in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Before the second song Move To The City, Axl talks about how some older generation rockstars got a lot of shit to say about GN'R. He says GN'R aren't trying to be nobody but themselves and that "people like Paul Stanley from Kiss can suck my dick! And some of these old guys, that say we're ripping them off, maybe they should listen to some of their earlier albums and remember how to play them".

October 4th, 1987 - The first UK show on this European tour is in Newcastle at the Newcastle City Hall.
October 5th, 1987 - Show at the Rock City in Nottingham, UK.
October 6th, 1987 - GN'R plays in Manchester at the Manchester Apollo.
October 7th, 1987 - Show at the Colston Hall in Bristol, UK.
October 8th, 1987 - European tour ends with a show at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, England. After the European shows the band returns to tour in the US.
October 16th, 1987 - During October, GN'R plays a bunch of shows on the East Coast with EZO opening. The first show is in New York state.
October 24th, 1987 - GN'R appear on MTV's Headbanger's Ball. The people at MTV told GN'R to destroy the set as a joke. As a result, GN'R tore down the whole set!
October 30th, 1987 - GN'R plays an acoustic set at CBGB's in New York, NY.
November 3rd, 1987 - The first show on the tour with Motley Crue is in Mobile, AL at the Municipal Auditorium.
During this tour Slash and Steven Adler saved the life of Motley Crue's bassist Nikki Sixx who had overdosed on drugs.

November 4th, 1987 - Show opening for Motley Crue at the Civic Center in Albany, GA.
November 6th, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue at the Cajundome in Lafayette, LA.
November 7th, 1987 - GN'R plays a show opening for Motley Crue in New Orleans, LA at the Lakefront Arena.
November 8th, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue in Jackson, MS at the Mississippi Coliseum.
November 10th, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue at the Von Braun Civic Center in Huntsville, AL.
November 11th, 1987 - Show opening for Motley Crue in Birmingham, AL at the Jefferson Civic Center.
November 13th, 1987 - Motley Crue's Girls, Girls, Girls tour with GN'R as the special guest, reaches the Savannah Civic Center in Savannah, GA.
November 14th, 1987 - Show at the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, SC on the Motley Crue tour.
November 15th, 1987 - The band is in Greensboro, NC opening for Motley Crue at the Greensboro Coliseum.
November 17th, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum in Knoxville, TN.
November 18th, 1987 - Show at the Jefferson Civic Center in Birmingham, AL on the Motley Crue tour.
November 20th, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue at the The Omni in Atlanta, GA.
November 21st, 1987 - Opening for Motley Crue at the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, TN.
November 22nd, 1987 - GN'R and Motley Crue return to Atlanta, GA for a show at The Omni.
November 24th, 1987 - First of two shows at the Lakeland Civic Center in Lakeland, FL with Motley Crue.
November 25th, 1987 - The second show opening for Motley Crue at the Lakeland Civic Center in Lakeland, FL.
November 26th, 1987 - Another show in Florida opening for Motley Crue. This one is at the Jacksonville Coliseum in Jacksonville.
November 28th, 1987 - GN'R plays at the Lee County Civic Center in Fort Myers, FL. They open for Motley Crue.
November 29th, 1987 - The last show opening for Motley Crue on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour is at the Hollywood Sportatorium in Pembroke Pines, FL.
December, 1987 - GN'R opens for Alice Cooper during December. Steven Adler injured his hand and was replaced by Fred Coury for some of the shows.
December 26th, 1987 - GN'R plays the first of four shows at Perkins Palace in Pasadena, CA. Fred Coury fills in for Steven Adler at these shows.
December 27th, 1987 - Second show at Perkins Palace in Pasadena, CA with Fred Coury on drums.
December 28th, 1987 - Third Pasadena, CA show at Perkins Palace. Once again Fred Coury is filling in for Steven.
December 30th, 1987 - Last of the four shows at Perkins Palace in Pasadena, CA.

January, 1988 - The band entered Rumbo Studios with producer Mike Clink to record a couple of acoustic songs ("Patience", "Used To Love Her", "One In A Million", "Cornchucker" and a reworking of "You're Crazy"). These songs were intended to be used as B-sides or possibly an EP.
January 14th, 1988 - The Drunk Fux plays a show at the Coconut Teaszer in Hollywood, CA. Axl sings three songs with the band, one of them being "Yesterdays". He also mentions going into the studio the following week.
January 31st, 1988 - First headlining tour of America starts. Axl walked out of the band, but three days later he was back. The tour ends in February.
February 2nd, 1988 - GN'R plays at The Ritz in New York, NY. MTV is there filming, and an edited version of the show is later broadcast on the channel.
April 11th, 1988 - The band shoots the video for "Sweet Child O' Mine" at Ballroom, Huntington Park, CA.
April 23rd, 1988 - "Appetite For Destruction" enters the Billboard Top 10 (date uncertain).
May, 1988 - Duff married his girlfriend Mandy.
May 13th, 1988 - The first show on the Iron Maiden tour where GN'R are the opening act is in Moncton, NB in Canada at the Coliseum.
May 14th, 1988 - Show opening for Iron Maiden at the Metro Centre in Halifax, NS.
May 16th, 1988 - GN'R are opening for Iron Maiden in Quebec City, QC at the Coliseum,.
May 17th, 1988 - Show opening for Iron Maiden at the Forum in Montreal, QC.
May 18th, 1988 - Show in Ottawa, ON at the Civic Centre. Iron Maiden is the headlining act.
May 20th, 1988 - GN'R return to the CNE Grandstand in Toronto, ON as an opening act. This time they're opening for Iron Maiden.
May 23rd, 1988 - GN'R are opening for Iron Maiden in Winnipeg, MB at the Winnipeg Arena.
May 25th, 1988 - Show opening for Iron Maiden at the Northlands Coliseum in Edmonton, AB.
May 27th, 1988 - Opening for Iron Maiden in Canada at the Saddledome in Calgary, AB.
May 30th, 1988 - Show at the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver, BC. Opening for Iron Maiden.
May 30th, 1988 - Show opening for Iron Maiden at the Spokane Coliseum in Spokane, WA.
June, 1988 - According to Slash, the band had already written lots of new songs. Two of them were "Perfect Crime" and "You Could Be Mine" The band planned to go into the studio in October, November and have a new album out sometime in mid-1989.
June 1st, 1988 - Iron Maiden headlines a show at the Seattle Center Coliseum in Seattle, WA with GN'R as the opening act.
June 3rd, 1988 - US release of the Sweet Child O' Mine single. This became the band's first #1 single.
June 3rd, 1988 - GN'R are in Salt Lake City, UT at the Salt Palace opening for Iron Maiden.
June 5th, 1988 - Show as opening act on Iron Maiden's Seventh Tour of a Seventh Tour at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, CA.
June 6th, 1988 - Another Californian show as the opening act on Iron Maiden's tour. Today's show is in Sacramento at the California Exposition Center.
June 8th, 1988 - GN'R were supposed to open for Iron Maiden at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater in Irvine, CA, but canceled when Axl lost his voice. Izzy and Slash joined L.A. Guns, who replaced GN'R as the opening act, on stage.
June 9th, 1988 - GN'R canceled this show at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater in Irvine, CA where they were scheduled to open for Iron Maiden. The rest of the Iron Maiden tour was also canceled due to Axl's throat problems.
The rest of the band played two songs at this show.

July, 1988 - GN'R opens most of the shows on Aerosmith's Permanent Vacation tour in the USA from July to September.
Tim Collins (Aerosmith's manager at the time): "By the end of the tour, Guns N' Roses were huge.They basically just exploded. We were all pissed that Rolling Stone showed up to do a story on Aerosmith, but Guns N' Roses ended up on the cover of the magazine. Suddenly, the opening act was bigger than we were.

But we felt sorry for them. One, they were so fucked up it was ridiculous. Two, their stupid manager had negotiated a bad deal for them and never bothered to renegotiate it or even complain. Three, they were traveling like Gypsies, their old suitcases held together by twine and gaffers tape. At the end of the tour, we bought them all new Halliburton cases, which their manager took as an insult."

August 6th, 1988 - "Appetite For Destruction" reaches #1 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart for the first time.
August 15th, 1988 - Part of the footage for the "Paradise City" video is shot on this day.
August 16th, 1988 - Footage for the "Paradise City" video is shot at Giants Stadium, New Jersey. It was directed entirely by phone and headset by Nigel Dick.
August 20th, 1988 - The Monsters Of Rock at Castle Donington, England. The German band Helloween started the festival at one o'clock in the afternoon. An hour later GN'R stepped on-stage. The crowd started to move towards the stage. Despite stopping the show three times during their set two fans fell and were crushed to death.
September 7th, 1988 - The band performs "Welcome To The Jungle" at MTV's Video Music Awards.
"Welcome To The Jungle" wins in the Best New Artist category.

Slash and Steven join Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Billy Idol and Tommy Lee for the taping of Sam Kinison's remake of "Wild Thing". The boys are seen in the video.

September 17th, 1988 - GN'R plays at the Texas Jam in Irving, TX. The headliner on the bill was INXS.
Before "Welcome To The Jungle" Axl says "Apologize if, I sound like shit but too many planes and too much cocaine, but you know where the fuck you are?....".

After the song, Slash plays a guitar solo which is followed by a blues jam. Axl sings "Bad Time" as an intro to "Sweet Child O' Mine".

September 24th, 1988 - Appetite For Destruction starts its three week run at the #1 position on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart.
November 17th, 1988 - GN'R make the cover of Rolling Stone magazine's issue #539. The cover says Guns N' Roses Hard Rock Heroes.
November 30th, 1988 - Geffen Records releases "GN'R Lies". It was originally going to be called "Lies! The Sex, The Drugs, The Violence, The Shocking Truth", but someone at Geffen noticed that the name was too long. So they changed it to "GN'R Lies". The album includes the four tracks from "Live ?!'@ Like A Suicide" plus four acoustic tracks.
A couple of lines in "One In A Million" draws negative publicity to the band.

When Lies went to number two on the Billboard Chart, the band became the only artist with two albums in the top five at the same time in the 1980s.
According to Duff the acoustic tracks were recorded one night in the studio when they were drunk!
December, 1988 - During December the band played in Japan, New Zealand and Australia.

January 30th, 1989 - The 1989 American Music Awards are held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, CA. GN'R, with Don Henley on drums, performed "Patience".
February, 1989 - Despite the controversy surrounding "One In A Million", "GN'R Lies" hits the Top 5. Guns N' Roses becomes the first band in 15 years to have two records in the US Top 5 simultaneously.
During the same month Duff and Steven joins Steve Lukather of Toto, plus lots of other musicians, at the Roxy in Los Angeles to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Beatles' appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Slash and Steven performs "Paranoid" with Ozzy Osbourne at his show at Irvine Meadows.

February 11th, 1989 - Appetite For Destruction reclaims the #1 spot on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart.
February 18th, 1989 - The "Patience" video, which was the only one from "GN'R Lies", is shot at The Record Plant and at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles on 18th and 19th.
February 24th, 1989 - Duff and Steven appear on the Howard Stern show.
March, 1989 - "Paradise City" becomes GN'R's first UK Top 10 single.
April, 1989 - Axl goes to the premiere of Depeche Mode 101 in Los Angeles.
At the party afterwards he meets one of the kids from the movie who calls GN'R Guns N' Posers in it.

The kid had been trying to avoid Axl all night but when he was going to the bathroom, Dave Gahan [of Depeche Mode] had somebody he had to meet. It turned out to be Axl.

May, 1989 - The first single from GN'R Lies, Patience, is released in the UK.
May 19th, 1989 - Del James interviews Axl at his home. The interview appears on the Patience single. During it, Axl talks about Patience, the next album and he also mentions a new song Izzy had written with the lyrics "Double talkin' jive, get the money motherfucker, 'cause I got no more patience".
June, 1989 - "Patience" becomes a Top 4 single.
July, 1989 - Axl and West Arkeen performs early versions of "The Garden" and "Yesterdays" at the Scrap Bar. MTV is there and they use some of the footage in the GN'R Rockumentary.
August, 1989 - Axl visits Michael Monroe's video shoot at a New York studio.
August 21st, 1989 - Slash joins Great White at Reebok Riverstage in Manhattan to perform "Jumping Jack Flash".
August 26th, 1989 - Axl joins Tom Petty onstage at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, NY. Together they perform "Free Fallin'" and "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".
August 27th, 1989 - Izzy Stradlin was arrested at the Phoenix airport for making a public disturbance (he urinated on the floor, verbally abused a stewardess and smoked in the non-smoking section) on a flight from Los Angeles to Indianapolis.
Stradlin was apparently angry at having to wait to use the restroom. A publicist said it was just Izzy's "way of expressing himself."

September, 1989 - Duff, Slash and Steven goes to Chicago for three months. They start to work on the next record, but nothing gets done because Axl and Izzy didn't show up in Chicago. (date uncertain)
September 11th, 1989 - GN'R wins "Best Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Video" for "Sweet Child O' Mine" at the MTV VMA's. Axl and Izzy join Tom Petty for the singer's hit "Free Fallin'". Axl performs "Heartbreak Hotel" together with Tom Petty.
Backstage Vince Neil (Motley Crue) punched Izzy in the face. As Izzy and Alan Niven walked off the lit stage into the darkness of the backstage area, Neil jumped out of the crowd and sucker-punched Izzy. Izzy's lip was cut by Neil's ring, but he was otherwise unhurt.

October 10th, 1989 - The video for "It's So Easy" is shot at The Cathouse in LA on 10th and 11th. It was directed by Nigel Dick. Unfortunately, GN'R never released it.
October 18th, 1989 - GN'R open for the Rolling Stones at the LA Coliseum. Axl threatened to quit if certain members of the band didn't stop "dancing with Mr. Brownstone". Here's what he said:
"I hate to do this on stage. But I tried every other fucking way. And unless certain people in this band get their shit together, these will be the last Guns N' Roses shows you'll fucking ever see. Cause I'm tired of too many people in this organization dancing with Mr. Goddamn Brownstone."

Slash, Izzy and Steven promised to clean up.

October 19th, 1989 - Second show with the Stones.
October 21st, 1989 - Third show.
October 22nd, 1989 - Final show at the Coliseum with the Stones.
December 17th, 1989 - Axl and Izzy join the Rolling Stones for a version of "Salt Of The Earth" at the Stones show in Atlantic City, NJ.
They did the same thing at the shows on the 19th and 20th.

January 22nd, 1990 - Slash and Duff appear at the American Music Awards. Slash livens things up by uttering four-letter words during his acceptance speech.
February, 1990 - A keyboardist called Dizzy Reed (real name Darren, born June 18, 1963) joins the band.
March 3rd, 1990 - Axl and Slash join Aerosmith to perform Train Kept A Rollin' at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, Ca.
April, 1990 - Slash and Duff record with Iggy Pop. The album is called "Brick By Brick". They can also be seen in the video for the track "Home".
Duff got divorced from Mandy.

April 7th, 1990 - Guns N' Roses appears at the fourth Farm Aid in Indianapolis. The set includes a first performance of "Civil War" and a cover of the UK Subs' "Down On The Farm". This was Steven's last show with GN'R.
April 28th, 1990 - Axl marries Erin Everly in Las Vegas. The marriage is annulled in January 1991.
June 21st, 1990 - Black Crowes play at the Marquee in New York City. They are joined onstage by Slash for the first of three encores, "It's A Sin".
June 26th, 1990 - The band's version of Bob Dylan's "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" is released on the "Days Of Thunder" soundtrack.
July 11th, 1990 - Steven Adler is fired from the band. The band made an agreement with Steven which said that if he didn't stop taking drugs he was out. When this didn't help, he was fired.
His replacement is Matt Sorum (born November 19, 1960). Matt's band before GN'R was The Cult.

July 24th, 1990 - The first original GN'R track since "GN'R Lies", "Civil War", appears on a benefit album called "Nobody's Child: Romanian Angel Appeal".
September, 1990 - 36 songs recorded and GN'R started to think about the album title. GN'R Sucks and BUY Product were two of the titles, but finally they decided to call the album Use Your Illusion. Axl took the name from a painting by Mark Kostabi.
The next problem was the format of the next GN'R release. The 36 songs wouldn't fit on one CD. GN'R wanted to release a box with four CDs. Geffen said no, it would be too expensive for the fans. Finally they agreed to release two CDs on the same day, plus a CD later.

October 30th, 1990 - Axl is arrested in West Hollywood for allegedly assaulting his neighbor with a wine bottle.
November 9th, 1990 - Axl, Slash, Duff, Sebastian Bach, James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett and Lars Ulrich play at RIP magazine's party at the Hollywood Palladium. They're known as GAK. The setlist: You're Crazy, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Piece Of Me, Hair Of The Dog, Whiplash (#1) and Whiplash (#2). Axl sings on Piece Of Me and Hair Of The Dog.

January, 1991 - In early January, the band rehearse at the Long Beach Arena in California for their upcoming shows in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
January 19th, 1991 - The band are rehearsing at a small rehearsal place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
January 20th, 1991 - Matt Sorum and Dizzy Reed made their concert debuts for GN'R at the Rock In Rio II festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Three minutes before Matt goes onstage in front of 140.000 people, they tell him that he's gotta do a drum solo. And he pulled it off!
January 22nd, 1991 - Matt goes to Corcovado to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
January 23rd, 1991 - Second Rock In Rio II show.
The band played on two nights to a total of 260.000 people.

January 24th, 1991 - Slash is on the cover of Rolling Stone #596. Inside Guns N' Roses - Slash on Axl Rose, drugs and the next album.
May, 1991 - Alan Niven was fired. Doug Goldstein became GN'R's new manager.
May 9th, 1991 - First of three warm-up shows. This one is in San Francisco at the Warfield Theatre.
May 11th, 1991 - Second warm-up show, Los Angeles at the Pantages Theatre.
May 16th, 1991 - The last warm-up show before the tour is in New York at the Ritz.
May 24th, 1991 - GN'R kicked off their first ever world tour as headliners in East Troy, Wisconsin. Skid Row opened the shows.
May 25th, 1991 - Second show at Alpine Valley Music Theatre in East Troy, WI.
May 28th, 1991 - First of two shows in Noblesville, IN at the Deer Creek Music Center.
May 29th, 1991 - Second show at the Deer Creek Music Center in Noblesville, IN.
June 1st, 1991 - Show in Grove City, OH at the Capital Music Center.
June 2nd, 1991 - GN'R plays at the Toledo Speedway in Toledo, OH.
June 4th, 1991 - Another Ohio show. This one is in Richfield at the Richfield Coliseum.
June 5th, 1991 - Second Richfield, OH show at the Richfield Coliseum.
June 7th, 1991 - First Canadian show of the tour at the CNE Grandstand in Toronto, ON.
June 8th, 1991 - Second show at the CNE Grandstand in Toronto, ON.
June 10th, 1991 - The chant, heard on Get In The Ring on Use Your Illusion II, was recorded at a show at the Performing Arts Center in Saratoga Springs, NY.
June 11th, 1991 - GN'R plays the Hersheypark Stadium in Hershey, PA.
June 13th, 1991 - Show at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA.
June 17th, 1991 - During a show in Uniondale, NY, Axl apologizes for being late.
"Yeah, I know it sucks...If you got any real complaints, you could do me a favor though. You could write a little letter on how much that sucked and send it to Geffen Records..... Tell those people to get the fuck out of my ass."

Later on he commented on the forthcoming Use Your Illusion record "The new record will be delayed again. Geffen Records decided they wanted to change the contract and I'm deciding fuck you. And since I don't have time to do both go back there and argue and bitch with them or be on tour, I guess we'll just be on tour and have a good time and fuck them. It's a shame but... So we'll play a lot of the new shit tonight and it really doesn't matter does it?".

During Patience Axl tells the crowd to beat the living fuck out of anybody who throws something at the stage. He also says that he won't throw anything back into the crowd, he'll leave.

June 19th, 1991 - The official premiere of the You Could Be Mine video on MTV. The song had debuted on radio the day before.
June 19th, 1991 - GN'R plays at the Capital Centre in Landover, MD.
June 20th, 1991 - Second show in Landover, MD at the Capital Centre.
June 22nd, 1991 - Show at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, VA.
June 23rd, 1991 - Tonight's show is in Charlotte, NC at the Charlotte Coliseum.
June 25th, 1991 - You Could Be Mine, the first single from the forthcoming Use Your Illusion albums, is released in the US.
June 25th, 1991 - Another show in North Carolina. At the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro.
June 26th, 1991 - A show at the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, TN.
June 29th, 1991 - GN'R visits Lexington, KY for a show at the Rupp Arena.
June 30th, 1991 - The last show of the month is at the Birmingham Race Course in Birmingham, AL.
July, 1991 - "You Could Be Mine" is released in the UK in July.
It also appeared in the movie Terminator 2 and Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared in the video

July 2nd, 1991 - While the band played Riverport Performance Arts Centre, St. Louis, MO, Axl spotted someone in the crowd taking pictures. Security didn't respond to Axl's request to remove the person so he jumped into the crowd. When he returned to the stage he complained about the security ("Well, thanks to the lameass security, I'm going home") and left the stage. The rest of the band followed.
After this a riot broke out. GN'R wanted to continue the show, but they were advised not to. The band lost their equipment and Axl was charged for inciting a riot.

July 8th, 1991 - The tour continues with a show at the Starplex Amphitheatre in Dallas, TX. Even before the band starts the first song, Perfect Crime, Axl warns the crowd that if they keep throwing things, they'll leave.
July 9th, 1991 - Second show at the Starplex Amphitheatre in Dallas, TX.
July 11th, 1991 - Show in Denver, CO at the McNichols Sports Arena.
July 12th, 1991 - Another Colorado show at the Starplex Amphitheatre in Englewood.
July 13th, 1991 - GN'R plays in Utah at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City.
July 16th, 1991 - First of two shows in Tacoma, WA at the Tacoma Dome.
July 17th, 1991 - Second Washington state show at the Tacoma Dome.
July 19th, 1991 - GN'R returns to California for the first of two shows at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View.
July 20th, 1991 - Second Shoreline Amphitheatre show in Mountain View, CA.
July 23rd, 1991 - Show at Sacramento's ARCO Arena.
July 25th, 1991 - Show in Costa Mesa, CA at the Pacific Amphitheatre.
July 29th, 1991 - During the show at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA, Axl mentions how Slash and himself finished the record yesterday. "The motherfucker is done".
July 30th, 1991 - Second show at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA.
August 2nd, 1991 - Another show at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA.
August 3rd, 1991 - The band plays at the Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA. This show was the longest one on the whole Use Your Illusion world tour. According to Duff it was three hours, 36 minutes and 19 seconds long. The show starts with Sid Vicious' version of "My Way" as an intro, Perfect Crime is the first song and Paradise City ends the set.
"Double Talkin' Jive" is dedicated to "some asshole at CBS News who likes to call me a punk".

Shannon Hoon makes guest appearances on Don't Cry and You Ain't The First. Sebastian Bach joins the band for You're Crazy.

August 12th, 1991 - GN'R and Skid Row arrives in Helsinki, Finland. Duff, Slash, Matt, Dizzy and Skid Row spends the night at the Tavastia club where the Black Crowes were performing.
August 13th, 1991 - The "Get In The Ring Motherfucker" tour comes to Europe. The first two shows are held at the Jäähalli in Helsinki, Finland. Again Skid Row opens for GN'R.
An hour in to the show, as the band launch into Welcome To The Jungle, Axl leaves the stage. The rest of the band plays an instrumental version of the song and continue the set with 14 Years, a drum solo and a guitar solo. After 25 minutes, Axl returned.

August 14th, 1991 - Second sold out show in Helsinki.
August 16th, 1991 - GN'R performs at a sold out Globen in Stockholm, Sweden. It took the band four hours to sell 13000 tickets to this show.
And yes, Guns N' Roses was front-page news. A photographer from the Swedish newspaper, Expressen, took photographs (without permission) of the band while they were in the Daily News club. GN'R's bodyguards tried to stop the photographer, but they failed. The "prohibited" photo made it onto Expressen's first page! Expressen gave the shows five out of five.

August 17th, 1991 - Second sold-out show in Stockholm.
At around nine o'clock, Axl comes out of the elevator at the Sheraton Hotel, but instead of going to the car that's waiting for him, he goes and plays roulette for 1.5 hours. After that he goes back up to his room. Five minutes later he comes back down and goes to the car. On the way to the venue, he tells the driver to stop. There was a festival in Stockholm called Vattenfestivalen and Axl wanted to see the fireworks.

The show starts after eleven o'clock.

During "Knockin' On Heaven's Door", Axl says "Now on this one maybe you people that have been falling asleep the whole fuckin' show, on your feet up here could sing along too.... If you're bored, you should've saved your money and gone and seen the fireworks tonight."

August 19th, 1991 - Show in Copenhagen, Denmark. The show went fine until somebody threw a firecracker onstage. Axl told the audience that they wouldn't continue the show until the idiot who did it turned himself in. After a 15-minute break the show continued.
August 20th, 1991 - The band, minus Axl, lands in Oslo, Norway for the following day's show.
Izzy tells the Swedish production manager that there's a little problem. Nobody knows where Axl is.

The rest of the band checks in at Grand Hotel.

Later in the evening Axl's assistant calls and says they're in Paris, France.

August 21st, 1991 - At around five or six o'clock in the morning, Axl's assistant calls the hotel to tell them that Axl won't make it for tonight's show. The show at Spektrum in Oslo, Norway is cancelled.
August 24th, 1991 - GN'R plays in Mannheim, Germany. This show included Nine Inch Nails and Skid Row as openers.
GN'R sold 38000 tickets in two days. They sold tickets faster than Madonna and The Rolling Stones had done the year before.

August 31st, 1991 - After shows in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany (the show in Oslo, Norway was cancelled) GN'R plays a show at Wembley Stadium in London, England.
The 72000 tickets were sold out in record breaking time. No artist had sold out the venue this fast before GN'R.

Double Talkin' Jive is dedicated to Sky magazine, Time Out magazine and "something I respected years ago but now I'd rather wipe my ass with it, Kerrang! magazine....."

This was Izzy's last show as a member of GN'R.

Before the show the band had an poster-ad campaign in London which read: Guns N' F____g Roses, Wembley F____g Stadium, Sold F____g Out

September 5th, 1991 - GN'R's performance of "Live And Let Die" is shown on the MTV Video Music Awards show. The performance was taken from the show in London, England.
September 10th, 1991 - Don't Cry single released in the US.
September 16th, 1991 - Use Your Illusion I and II are released in Europe.
The albums debuted at number one and number two on the Billboard charts. They marked the first time a major contemporary rock artist had released two separate albums on the same day.

September 17th, 1991 - US release of the Use Your Illusion albums.
October, 1991 - Steven Adler launched a lawsuit against the band. He claimed that GN'R were responsible for his drug addiction.
October 2nd, 1991 - Duff was backstage at a Pearl Jam show in Los Angeles. After the show, Pearl Jam went over to Duff's house.
October 5th, 1991 - Use Your Illusion II is at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 Albums chart. The album spends the next two weeks at the top of the chart.
November 7th, 1991 - Izzy Stradlin leaves GN'R. His replacement is Gilby Clarke (born August 17, 1962). Gilby, formerly of the band Kill For Thrills, had been playing the same clubs as GN'R.
December 5th, 1991 - The first show of the second US leg of the tour in Worcester, MA. with Soundgarden opening
This is the first show where GN'R uses background vocals and horns. The expanded 12-piece line-up looks like this:

W. Axl Rose (lead vocals, piano)
Slash (lead guitar, backing vocals)
Duff McKagan (bass, backing vocals)
Gilby Clarke (rhythm guitar, backing vocals)
Dizzy Reed (keyboards, percussion)
Matt Sorum (drums, backing vocals)

Ted Andreadis (keyboards, harmonica, background vocals)
Diane Jones (background vocals)
Roberta Freeman (background vocals)
Tracy Amos (background vocals)


Lisa Maxwell (horns)
Cece Worrall (horns)
Anne King (horns)

December 6th, 1991 - Second show in Worcester, MA at the Centrum Centre. Breakdown is played live for the first time.
December 9th, 1991 - GN'R plays three shows at the Madison Square Garden in New York (9th, 10th and 13th).
December 10th, 1991 - Second Madison Square Garden show.
December 13th, 1991 - The last of the three New York, NY shows at the Madison Square Garden.
December 16th, 1991 - GN'R returns to Philadelphia, PA to play at the Spectrum.
December 17th, 1991 - Second show at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, PA.
December 28th, 1991 - After a short Christmas break, GN'R plays a show in St. Petersburg, FL at the Suncoast Dome.
December 31st, 1991 - A special New Year's Eve show at the Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami, FL.

January 3rd, 1992 - The first show of 1992 is in Baton Rouge, LA at the LSU Assembly Center.
January 4th, 1992 - Show in Biloxi, MS at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum.
January 7th, 1992 - Show in Memphis, TN at The Pyramid.
January 9th, 1992 - First show in Houston, TX at the The Summit.
January 10th, 1992 - Second show at The Summit in Houston, TX.
January 13th, 1992 - First of two Dayton, OH shows at the Nutter Center.
January 14th, 1992 - Second night at the Nutter Center in Dayton, OH.
January 21st, 1992 - Show at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN.
January 22nd, 1992 - Second Target Center show in Minneapolis, MN.
January 25th, 1992 - GN'R plays in Sin City. Show at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, NV.
January 27th, 1992 - First of two southern California shows in San Diego at the San Diego Sports Arena.
January 28th, 1992 - Second San Diego Sports Arena show in San Diego, CA.
January 31st, 1992 - Show in Chandler, AZ at the Compton Terrace.
February 1st, 1992 - Last show of the second US leg at the Compton Terrace in Chandler, AZ..
February 19th, 1992 - GN'R plays the first of three shows at the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan. The rest of the shows were on 20th and 22nd.
February 20th, 1992 - Second Tokyo Dome show in Tokyo, Japan.
February 22nd, 1992 - Last show in Tokyo, Japan at the Tokyo Dome.
April 1st, 1992 - First show in Mexico at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
April 2nd, 1992 - Axl is on the cover of Rolling Stone #627.
April 2nd, 1992 - Second Mexican show at the Palacio De Los Deportes in Mexico City.
April 6th, 1992 - After two shows in Mexico, GN''R returns to USA for a show at the Myriad Arena in Oklahoma City, OK.
"Do you believe all the shit you read? Do you ever wonder why you're given so much shit to read? You're given a lot of shit to read, because, there's a lot of fucking people out there who... I don't think I should even give them the credit to say that they're very conscious of that which they're doing. But it's mainly because they don't want things like this concert here in Oklahoma to fucking happen. Yeah, there's a lot of people who don't know why they do things. But some of the reasons behind that. They don't the people like you, that are here tonight, to see some little loud mouth fucker like me. Who crawled out some shithole somewhere, and worked his way up onto this stage. They don't want... There's something out there that doesn't want people like you to realize that you can do whatever the fuck you want with your God damn life. And there are those that unless they get a piece of the pie, unless they get a piece of your ass, unless they get a piece of your life, they just don't want it to happen. You do it their way or you don't do it. They can suck my dick. I believe that deep inside everybody, there's something inside you that knows what the fuck you're supposed to do with your life. And no matter what anybody tells you, if you keep looking and you keep digging, you're gonna find it. And you can be the person you fucking were meant to be on this God damn planet. And don't let anybody, anybody, ever get in your way. Including me. And I know it's not like the most humane thing, but you can, when it gets real rough, you can think of a theme song that somebody else wrote. Namely Mr. Paul McCartney. And when they're trying to keep you down, just hold on and know someday you'll bust out, you'll get onto your own shit and they won't be able to fucking keep up with your ass. And you can be thinking just Live And Let Die motherfucker."

April 9th, 1992 - The last show before the 1992 European tour starts is at the Rosemont Horizon in Rosemont, IL.
April 20th, 1992 - GN'R performs at The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness. They were originally going to play three songs, but due to technical problems earlier in the show they only played two ("Paradise City" and "Knockin' On Heaven's Door").¨
Axl joined his hero, Elton John, for the duet of the night, "Bohemian Rhapsody". He also performed "We Will Rock You" with Queen.

Slash performed "Tie Your Mother Down" with Queen. At the end of the show, Axl, Duff and Slash joined the rest of the performers for a rendition of "We Are The Champions".

May 12th, 1992 - Slash and Metallica's Lars Ulrich announced that GN'R and Metallica would tour together in the summer.
The press conference was held at The Gaslight in Hollywood, CA.

May 14th, 1992 - The band arrives in Dublin, Ireland on their private jet.
May 15th, 1992 - Axl's smiling face makes the front page of the Irish Independent.
The rest of the band does a soundcheck at Slane Castle. It lasts for two hours.

May 16th, 1992 - The show in Dublin. 800 police patrol the Slane Castle site. U2 sends a crate of 40-year-old Irish whiskey and a barrel of Guinness for the band. My Little Funhouse opens the show followed by Faith No More.
May 19th, 1992 - GN'R fly to Prague, Czechoslovakia.
May 20th, 1992 - Show at the Strahov Stadium in Prague, Czechoslovakia and first show in Europe with Soundgarden opening. An MTV Europe crew interviews the band in the afternoon. The show starts with "Okay, you ex-Commie bastards, get ready to rock!".
May 22nd, 1992 - Show in Budapest, Hungary at the Nep Stadium. The bands plane arrives in Budapest just 20 minutes before the scheduled showtime. The band is rushed to the stadium with a police escort.
Midway through the set Axl and Slash performs the Hungarian folk song "Tavasziszel". After two verses Axl lets the crowd take over for the third. It's the same song that Queen performed there in 1985.

May 23rd, 1992 - Show at the Donau Insel stadium in Vienna, Austria. U2 who are due to play there the next night are in attendance.
Axl and Bono join U2's accountant Osmond Kilkenny for his birthday party at a restaurant.

May 24th, 1992 - The band goes to see the U2 show. Axl joins Bono onstage to perform an acoustic version of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"
May 25th, 1992 - GN'R flies to Berlin, Germany.
May 26th, 1992 - Show at the Berlin Olympic Stadium in front of 40,000 fans.
May 27th, 1992 - Biggest show of the tour so far, 75.000 people at the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart, Germany.
The band is introduced with the phrase: "OK you beer swilling, Merc driving mugs....".

May 29th, 1992 - Sell-out show at the Mungerdorferstadion in Cologne, Germany. GN'R performs "Perfect Crime" and "Rocket Queen" for the first time on this European tour. "So Fine" is performed for the first time in Europe.
GN'R play for 2 hours and 42 minutes, which makes this the longest show yet on this leg.

June 2nd, 1992 - November Rain single released.
June 3rd, 1992 - After three days off in Cologne, Germany, the band fly to Hannover, Germany to play at the Niedersachsen Stadium in front of a crowd of 60,000.
Members of The Scorpions are at the show.

June 4th, 1992 - GN'R arrive in Axl's favorite city, Paris, France. They check in at the luxurious Hotel De Crillon, overlooking the Place de la Concorde.
Later they meet up with Jeff Beck, Lenny Kravitz, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry who have flown in for the televised Paris show.

June 5th, 1992 - Soundcheck and rehearsal during the afternoon at the Hippodrome in the Bois de Vincennes.

During the evening the band's backline is transported to the Elysee Montmartre club where the band continues rehearsing with Kravitz, Tyler and Perry.

June 6th, 1992 - Pay Per View show in Paris, France in front of 58,000 people. The band is joined onstage by Lenny Kravitz for a version of "Always On The Run". "Double Talkin' Jive" is dedicated to movie actor Warren Beatty. Steven Tyler and Joe Perry from Aerosmith joins the band to perform the Yardbirds "Train Kept A-Rollin'" and Aerosmith's classic "Mama Kin".
June 7th, 1992 - The band and entourage celebrate band manager Doug Goldstein and Jenny's second wedding anniversary at the River Cafe.
June 8th, 1992 - Shopping and sightseeing in Paris. Axl goes to the Louvre to see his favorite statue, The Winged Victory, after which he takes a boat trip on the Seine. Axl hasn't been sleeping and by late night he is in a state of complete physical exhaustion.
Doctors recommend that Axl takes 36 hours rest, the Manchester show is postponed.

The production crew catering, which isn't needed now, is given to a local hospice.

June 9th, 1992 - The Manchester Maine Road show was postponed until June 14th.
Axl remains in Paris, the rest of the band fly to London.

June 10th, 1992 - Three days off, the band and crew shop, dine out and meet old friends.
Axl flies in from Paris on the 11th. That same day the band (minus Axl) and crew take part in a softball game at the Bank Of England sports ground.

On the 12th the band's UK booking agent John Jackson organizes a five hour go-karting championship in West London for the band and entourage.

June 13th, 1992 - Brian May joins GN'R at Wembley Stadium in front of 72,000 people to perform Queen's "Tie Your Mother Down" and "We Will Rock You".
This show is regarded as the hottest show on the tour so far. During the show Axl has one trouble-making drunken fan removed from the crowd. Later he stops the show so that security can help a young girl, who he spots in distress at the front of the crowd.

According to Chris Cornell, earlier in the day, a fan has a heart attack while Soundgarden is playing. He's brought back to life by a paramedic while they're playing their first song.

June 14th, 1992 - GN'R fly to Manchester for the rescheduled show. After the show the band fly back to London.
June 15th, 1992 - Duff and Gilby go to the Townhouse recording studio in Shepherd's Bush to work on a track for Duff's solo album. Later Axl and Dizzy work on another song at a different studio.
June 16th, 1992 - 25,000 people see GN'R at the Gateshead International Stadium in Newcastle, England.
Duff had a verbal altercation with one fan. After Axl's words of warning - "I wouldn't mess with him, he's not had a drink in two weeks!" - the fan piped down. After the show the band fly back to London to continue their stay at the exclusive Conrad Hotel, where fellow guests included Prince and INXS.

June 17th, 1992 - Duff and his girlfriend Linda fly to St. Tropez in the south of France for a few days.
Slash stocks up on Dr. Marten boots and visits London Zoo.

Matt and Gilby go to Kensington Market

June 18th, 1992 - Dizzy's birthday. He celebrates in the evening by having his first ever taste of Indian food at the Bombay Brasserie with Matt. Later he joins pop band Dee-Lite at their party in the Zatopke club in south London.
June 19th, 1992 - Ted Andreadis' birthday. Late afternoon, the band fly to Frankfurt, Germany. Axl is pulled over by a security guard at Heathrow Airport, the second time staff there had singled him out for harassment, following GN'R's visit to London for the Freddie Mercury Tribute.
Following this latest incident, Axl issued a press statement in which he said: "Having just given what I consider to be the best performance I am capable of at this point in my career, I totally understand why someone in the UK would want to needlessly harass me in this way.

"I don't expect to be treated any differently from anyone else travelling in and out of Britain and I understand these people have a job to do. However, to be singled out by someone who just wants to score a few points and have a story to tell his friends over a beer is really out of order."

June 20th, 1992 - Show in Wurzburg, Germany. As GN'R approach the venue, the weather breaks and one of the worst storms in recent years hits the site. 45,000 fans witness an astonishing show during which the lightning cannot be distinguished from the onstage pyrotechnics. Within minutes both the crowd and the band are soaked to the skin. For a while, the steam rising from those packed at the front prevents those further back from even seeing the stage. No one can believe that GN'R will complete a full set, but they do!
June 21st, 1992 - The band flies to Basel, Switzerland.
Another sold-out show at the 50,000 capacity St Jakob Stadium in Basel, Switzerland.

Duff - starting to feel the effects of playing in the torrential downpour in Wurzburg - retires early to bed, with a temperature and signs of flu. Some band members venture out and sample the local bars.

June 22nd, 1992 - Being in Switzerland, Axl goes out and buys watches as surprise gifts for many of the entourage and management - who in the meantime have also stocked up on Swiss watches!
Duff's condition worsens and so he spends most of the day in bed hoping to recover for the next day's gig in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

As the evening draws in, Axl's also found to be suffering from a sore throat

June 23rd, 1992 - The journey to Rotterdam is delayed whilst Axl and Duff receive medical treatment to ensure that they get through the show. Axl is given further medication by a doctor who's waiting for him at the Rotterdam airport. The band finally go onstage at 10pm, two hours after Faith No More have completed their set. There is an 11pm curfew at the Feyenoord Stadium and as that time approaches, the local authorities tell the GN'R management that power will be cut at 11:30pm. Axl is made aware of this and concerned that the fans will be deprived of a full set, announces to the 48000 crowd: "You have a right to a complete show. You paid for it.... If they cut the power, be my guests, do what you want." After much discussion backstage, the police decide to let the band play on until well after midnight.
However, Duff arrives at the night's hotel feeling considerably worse and on medical advice is forced to spend two days resting. The following night's show in Belgium has to be cancelled.

June 24th, 1992 - Show cancelled due to Duff's illness.
The band fly to Milan. Duff stays in his room. The Italian promoter takes everyone else out to one of the city's finest pasta restaurants.

June 25th, 1992 - Slash, Gilby and Ted Andreadis film the video for Michael Jackson's "Give In To Me" with Jackson in Munich, Germany
June 26th, 1992 - Axl visits the showrooms of top Italian designers, Gianni Versace and Armani.
In the evening he dines with Versace's sister, Donatella, and her top model husband Paul Becak. Also at the table are supermodel Naomi Campbell and Axl's girlfriend Stephanie Seymour.

June 27th, 1992 - Show in Turin, Italy at the Della Alpi Stadium in front of 65,000 fans.
After the show, GN'R and entourage travel to San Remo, their base for the next couple of days.

June 28th, 1992 - The band rent a 180-foot luxury motor cruiser to celebrate Duff and Linda's engagement. The day is spent swimming, snorkeling, water-skiing, fishing and attempting to master the jet skis.
June 29th, 1992 - Still on the cruiser. Members of the band wake themselves up by high-diving 60 feet off the top deck into the Mediterranean. The cruiser returns to San Remo in the late afternoon
June 30th, 1992 - GN'R drive two hours to Genova. From Genova they fly to Sevilla, Spain.
The gig has no curfew to obey so the band delay their start until darkness so that the lightshow can be seen in full. The gig ends in the early hours of the morning.

July 1st, 1992 - Some members of the band take a special private guided tour of the World Exposition site, others go shopping.
In the evening news reaches the management that the authorities have closed the Vicente Caldaron stadium in Madrid. The concrete fabric of the building has been badly effected by aluminosis. A search for an alternative venue begins.

July 2nd, 1992 - On such a short notice an alternative venue is impossible to be found. The last date in Europe has to be cancelled.
In a statement issued on Friday, Axl said: "We were looking forward to this last date in Europe, as we love the Spanish audiences and we were planning on a wild night to end the tour. We hope that we will be able to return soon and make it up to our fans."

July 2nd, 1992 - Show at the Alvalade Stadium in Lisbon, Portugal. The support act Soundgarden started their set at 4 pm. They were followed by Faith No More and at 11 pm GN'R started their show.
When it started, the crowd started throwing empty water bottles, as they had done during the support acts' sets. In the middle of the first song, Axl was running and slipped on one of the bottles. He fell flat on his back and sang the rest of the song and the second song like that! Duff went over to check if he was ok.

Then he got up and said if people didn't stop throwing bottles at the stage, they would leave. He said "I didn't come here to get hurt" and they stopped playing!

After a while they came back and continued the show. But the crowd was throwing fire-crackers and lighters between them, not at the band.

Axl stopped the show once again (during Civil War), told the crowd to stop. Then a member of the Portuguese organization came onstage and tried to calm people down.

The show was one year after the St. Louis riots and the media was refering to that incident the next day.

Finally the band returned and started playing Patience and there was no more incidents during the show.

July 4th, 1992 - The show that was supposed to take place at the Vicente Caldaron stadium in Madrid, Spain was cancelled.
July 12th, 1992 - Axl is arrested at the JFK airport in New York, NY after St. Louis County authorities issued fugitive warrants seeking his arrest. The reason for the arrest was the riot in St. Louis, MO in 1991.
July 14th, 1992 - Axl pleaded innocent to charges stemming from a riot at a concert in St. Louis, MO last summer, and a judge said GN'R could begin their American tour Friday as scheduled.
Axl pleaded innocent to four counts of misdemeanor assault and one count of property damage. A trial was set of Oct. 13 after the nine-minute hearing.

July 17th, 1992 - The co-headline tour with Metallica starts at the RFK Stadium in Washington, DC. Faith No More is opening the shows.
July 18th, 1992 - The first New York City area show on this leg of the tour is in East Rutherford, NJ at the Giants Stadium.
July 21st, 1992 - Show in Pontiac, MI at the Pontiac Silverdome.
July 22nd, 1992 - Hoosier Dome hosts the show in Indianapolis, IN.
July 25th, 1992 - Show in Orchard Park, just outside Buffalo, NY, at the Rich Stadium.
July 26th, 1992 - Show in Pittsburgh, PA at the Three Rivers Stadium.
July 29th, 1992 - Midway through the show at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ Axl encounters severe pain in his throat but continues to (almost) finish the show.
During the last song, "Knockin' On Heaven's Door", he is hit in the genitals by a cigarette lighter thrown from the crowd with considerable force. Axl retires backstage to regain his breath, so Duff has to take over on vocals.

July 30th, 1992 - Axl is diagnosed as having sustained severe damage to his vocal chords, three shows - in Boston, MA, Columbia, SC and Minneapolis, MN are rescheduled.
August 8th, 1992 - Tour resumes at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, Canada. During Metallica's set James Hetfield is injured by a onstage pyrotechnic. His left arm is badly burnt and Metallica has to stop their show. During GN'R's set Axl stops the show and leaves the stage. Before he and the band return, a riot breaks out.
August 25th, 1992 - With Hetfield recovered the tour resumes at the International Raceway in Phoenix, Arizona. Seven shows had to be rescheduled as a result of Hetfield's injuries.
Axl has overcome his vocal chord and arytenoid inflammation problems. GN'R spent much of the downtime in L.A. shooting a couple of music videos.

August 27th, 1992 - The Las Cruces, NM show is at the Aggie Memorial Stadium.
August 29th, 1992 - Show in New Orleans, LA at the Louisiana Superdome.
August 31st, 1992 - GN'R plays in Atlanta, GA at the Lakewood Amphitheatre.
September 2nd, 1992 - GN'R are in Orlando, FL at the Citrus Bowl.
September 4th, 1992 - The first Texas show on this leg of the tour takes place in Houston at the Astrodome.
September 5th, 1992 - The second Texas show is in Irving at the Texas Stadium.
September 7th, 1992 - Rescheduled show in Columbia, SC at the Williams Brice Stadium.
September 9th, 1992 - GN'R performs at MTV's Video Music Awards. Elton John joins the band to perform "November Rain".
Backstage Axl exchanged some words with Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. According to Michael Azerrad's book "Come As You Are The Story Of Nirvana" Courtney asked Axl if he wanted to be the godfather of their child. Axl said " You shut your bitch up or I'm taking you down to the pavement!" to Kurt. Kurt glared at Courtney and said "Shut up, bitch!". The Nirvana entourage exploded in laughter.

September 11th, 1992 - Rescheduled show in Boston, MA at the Foxboro Stadium.
September 13th, 1992 - GN'R returns to Canada to play in Toronto, ON at the Exhibition Stadium.
September 15th, 1992 - Rescheduled show in Minneapolis, MN at the Metrodome.
September 17th, 1992 - Show in Kansas City, MI at the Arrowhead Stadium.
September 19th, 1992 - GN'R plays in Denver, CO at the Mile High Stadium.
September 21st, 1992 - Faith No More leaves the tour to fulfill prior headline touring commitments.
Following their tour-debut at shows in Kansas City and Denver last week, Body Count are announced to be taking over the slot for two of the remaining five shows. Motorhead are also added to the bill for three gigs.

September 21st, 1992 - Slash makes a guest appearance at the Michael Jackson concert in Oviedo, Spain. He performs on Black Or White.
September 24th, 1992 - Show in Oakland, CA at the Oakland Stadium with Bodycount.
September 27th, 1992 - Show at The Coliseum in Los Angeles, CA with Motorhead.
September 30th, 1992 - Show at the Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego, CA with Body Count opening..
October 3rd, 1992 - Show Pasadena, California at the Rose Bowl - with Motorhead.
October 6th, 1992 - Last show on the GN'R/Metallica tour in Seattle, WA at the Kingdome.
October 12th, 1992 - Izzy Stradlin And The Ju Ju Hounds releases their debut album on Geffen Records.
During October, November and December, the band plays shows in Europe, Japan and Australia.

November 25th, 1992 - Caracas, Venezuela. In the absence of a suitable venue, the show is played outside one (!) in a parking lot in front of 45,000. The biggest show ever staged in Venezuela.
November 26th, 1992 - The entourage leave Venezuela in the evening, just hours before the country was thrown into turmoil by an air-based military coup. In the ensuing chaos, only one of the band's cargo planes is able to take off. Over half of their equipment and several crew members are left stranded.
November 27th, 1992 - GN'R arrive in Colombia for two scheduled shows at El Campin Stadium in Bogota. But with much of the equipment still in Venezuela these shows are in jeopardy. Tickets for Saturday's show are made valid for Sunday. The two gigs are rolled into one.
GN'R originally offered to play a second show on Monday, but the promoters believed that those who had travelled long distances would not be able to stay an extra two days.

November 28th, 1992 - At around 7pm the first shipment of cargo was delivered from Venezuela. As the crew battled to complete the load-in time for the following night's show, a torrential downpour slowed the progress. At 10:15pm, the six tonne stage roof, complete with lighting rig, crashed to the ground. Hearing the steel buckle, the stagehands had fled and none was injured. An inspection revealed that the locally supplied structure had been unable to support the additional weight of the rainwater gathered on the stage roof.
With no time to build a new roof, the set was redesigned. The lights that survived the crash were repositioned to the stage's side walls.

November 29th, 1992 - At lunchtime a cloudburst damaged equipment despite the crew's efforts to protect it.
By 10pm the stadium was full - with hundreds of ticket holders outside. Scuffles broke out, a few people were injured, and some nearby cars and property were damaged before the police could restore the order by the use of tear-gas.

GN'R took the stage at 10:30pm. The show started with "Welcome To The Jungle". During "November Rain" there was another cloudburst. Within minutes, the equipment was beneath half-an-inch of water. The band had to take a break to dry and make safe all the electrical equipment. They returned after 15 minutes to finish the set.

December 2nd, 1992 - Sold-out show in Santiago, Chile at the National Football Stadium.
December 3rd, 1992 - Chilean media reported that Axl was drunk prior to last night's show and that drugs were discovered in the band's hotel rooms. GN'R's manager Doug Goldstein stressed that Axl never drinks before a show and had spent December 2nd doing physical work-out and voice warm-up exercises. The Chilean Department Of Investigation had visited the hotel, but they didn't find anything.
December 5th, 1992 - First of two shows at the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
December 6th, 1992 - Second show in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
December 8th, 1992 - GN'R releases their first home videos. It's a full length concert from Tokyo, Japan. The videos are called Use Your Illusion World Tour 1992 In Tokyo.
December 10th, 1992 - First show of two at Anhembi in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Played despite torrential downpour.
December 11th, 1992 - Second show in Sao Paulo was postponed 24 hours. The site and access to the venue were flooded. In a press statement Axl apologized: "We hope that everyone who was planning to come to the show tonight can make it tomorrow. As we proved, both here and in Bogota recently... none of us are afraid to get wet!" In this instance, the promoters and local authorities insisted that the conditions would be too risky for the fans.
December 13th, 1992 - Show at the Autodromo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After it the band takes a month's break before the next leg of the tour.

January, 1993 - Izzy Stradlin And The Ju Ju Hounds' North American tour starts in January and ends in March.
January 9th, 1993 - The band and their 80-person entourage leaves Los Angeles at around 10:30pm and arrives in Tokyo in the morning of January 11th.
January 12th, 1993 - First show of three at the Tokyo Dome. The band arrives at the venue at around 2pm for a soundcheck.
At around 6:40pm the band kick off their set with "Welcome To The Jungle". At the close of the 18-song set, Axl jumps down into the crowd to hand out individually-wrapped red roses.

The band leave at around 10pm, meeting up at the Lexington Queen nightclub.

January 14th, 1993 - The second show at the Tokyo Dome starts at around 7:30pm with "Nightrain". Axl dedicates "Yesterdays" to his brother. After the show the band join Ronnie Wood at his after-show party.
January 15th, 1993 - Final show in Tokyo. Intro music used tonight is Jim Carroll's "People Who Died".
"Live And Let Die" is introduced as "Live And Let Stir-fry".

Ronnie Wood from the Rolling Stones joins the band onstage for an extended version of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".

January 30th, 1993 - Show at the Eastern Creek Raceway outside Sydney, Australia. A meet n' greet has been arranged for 15 handicapped fans. The show is delayed for 30 minutes by a faulty power generator.
January 31st, 1993 - The band fly to Melbourne, Australia. Slash, Duff, Dizzy and Gilby spend the evening at a local rock club where Rose Tattoo are playing.
February 1st, 1993 - The whole entourage watch the US Superbowl on TV. The show at the Calder Park Raceway stadium goes ahead in torrential rain. Despite the rain, it breaks national attendance records.
February 2nd, 1993 - Duff and Dizzy visit a spinal injuries hospital on the outskirts of Melbourne.
February 3rd, 1993 - The band fly to New Zealand. With the time difference, they arrive at 5am and are just in time for last orders at the bar!
February 4th, 1993 - Party at in a restaurant overlooking Auckland harbour for Duff, Axl and Del James as all their birthdays fall over the next few days.
February 5th, 1993 - Duff's birthday. In the afternoon, Slash visits a dinosaur exhibition.
In the evening he dines at a sushi restaurant called Fukuoka (because he loved the name!) before he and other band members go go-karting until 2:30am.

February 6th, 1993 - Axl's birthday and the final show of this leg of the tour at the Mount Smart Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand.
The crew stop the GN'R show at the end of "November Rain" to bring a massive birthday cake onstage for Axl. Everybody sings "Happy Birthday".

February 7th, 1993 - The band leave Auckland, New Zealand for their journey back to Los Angeles.
February 23rd, 1993 - The "Skin And Bones" leg of the "Use Your Illusion" world tour kicks off at the Frank Erwin Centre in Austin, Texas. This leg sees the band back down to their core of six members and it features a acoustic section in the middle of the set. The Brian May Band is the opening act during the first half of the North American leg and Blind Melon during the second.
February 25th, 1993 - The band travels to Birmingham, AL to play at the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center.
February 26th, 1993 - Four shows cancelled owing to adverse weather conditions between February 26th and March 4th.
March 6th, 1993 - Show at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in New Haven, CT.
March 8th, 1993 - First of two shows in Maine on this leg. The first one is at the Cumberland County Civic Center in Portland.
March 9th, 1993 - The second Connecticut show on this leg of the tour is at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford.
March 12th, 1993 - The first Canadian show of the year is held at Copps Coliseum in Hamilton.
March 16th, 1993 - The band crosses the border back to the USA to play the second show in Maine at Augusta's Augusta Civic Center.
March 17th, 1993 - St. Patrick's Day is celebrated with a show in Boston, MA at the Boston Garden.
March 20th, 1993 - After playing shows on the East Coast, the band goes west to play at the Carver-Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City, IA.
March 21st, 1993 - Show at the Fargodome in Fargo, ND.
March 24th, 1993 - Back to Canada for a show at Winnipeg's Winnipeg Arena.
March 27th, 1993 - Show at the Saskatchewan Place in Saskatoon, Canada.
The show was originally scheduled to take place the night before.

March 28th, 1993 - GN'R visits Edmonton, Canada to play at the Northlands Coliseum.
March 30th, 1993 - The last Canadian show on the Use Your Illusion tour is in Vancouver at the British Columbia Place.
April 1st, 1993 - Show in Portland, OR at the Memorial Coliseum.
April 3rd, 1993 - A show in Sacramento, CA is cut short after 90 minutes when Duff is hit in the head with what Slash calls a "bottle of piss" (MTV News reported it as a plastic water bottle). Axl announces that the show will be stopped.
A few minutes later Slash comes out and says that the "bottle of piss" knocked Duff unconscious and requires him to be taken to the hospital.

MTV news later reports him to be okay, and the next gig would go on as scheduled. Slash then says there is no way they are coming back out and that the show is over. He asks everyone to leave peacefully and "don't fuck with anyone, don't fuck with the building."

April 4th, 1993 - GN'R plays at the Lawlor Events Center in Reno, NV.
April 7th, 1993 - Show at the Delta Center in Salt Lake City, UT.
April 9th, 1993 - GN'R rocks South Dakota by playing at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center in Rapid City.
April 10th, 1993 - Show at the Omaha Civic Auditorium in Omaha, NE.
April 13th, 1993 - GN'R plays in Auburn Hills, MI at The Palace Of Auburn Hills.
April 15th, 1993 - GN'R are forced to cancel the show at the Omni in Atlanta, Georgia.
During the band's performance here in 1987 Axl had been arrested for a scuffle with a security guy. The security guy had been beating up the band's friends in the audience. With Axl on parole for previous offences the show is pulled by manager Doug Goldstein. "I'm not willing to be a sitting duck for the police," claims Axl, "I'm familiar with that experience."

April 16th, 1993 - The last US show on the Use Your Illusion tour is in Chapel Hill, NC at the Dean Smith Center.
April 21st, 1993 - The first of five Mexican shows is at the Estadio Jalisco in Guadalajara.
April 23rd, 1993 - Show at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City, Mexico.
April 24th, 1993 - Second show at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City, Mexico.
April 27th, 1993 - First of two shows in Monterrey, Mexico at the Estadio Universitario.
April 28th, 1993 - The second show in Monterrey, Mexico at the Estadio Universitario is also the last Mexican show on this tour.
April 29th, 1993 - Gilby breaks his left wrist in a motorcycling accident, while practicing for a celebrity race in honour of the TJ Martell Foundation for leukemia, cancer and AIDS research. The next four shows has to be cancelled. The forthcoming European shows are in jeopardy, but Axl calls Izzy who steps in for the first five shows. "Izzy and I grew up together and we're like a family in a lots of ways - including having our differences," comments Axl.
May 14th, 1993 - The Drunk Fux plays at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, California to raise money for a promoter who got injured in a motorcycle accident. The event raises $40,000. Slash, Duff, Matt, Dizzy and Gilby all play at the concert. One of the guests is Lemmy from Motorhead. The band plays covers such as "Communication Breakdown" and "Dead Flowers".
May 19th, 1993 - GN'R planned to play a show at the Lenin Stadium in Moscow, Russia. The show was cancelled due to the political situation in the country.
May 20th, 1993 - Second planned show at the Lenin Stadium in Moscow, Russia. This show was also cancelled due to the political situation in the country.
May 22nd, 1993 - At 9pm Guns N' Roses hit the stage for the first show of the European leg of the " Get In The Ring Motherfucker - Round II" tour at Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv, Israel. Over 40 000 fans had gathered to see GN'R at the biggest concert held in Israel.
In the middle of the set, the band break into a rousing rendition of "Hava Nagila". Axl wears a Guns N' Moses t-shirt.

Izzy replaces Gilby for the first five dates on this leg of the tour.

May 24th, 1993 - The second anniversary of the "Use Your Illusion" world tour and a show at the Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece.
Whilst Slash remains at the hotel bar, the rest of the band hit the Mercedes Club, with a selection of the world's top models, including Claudia Schiffer.

May 26th, 1993 - The band leave Athens at 10am to fly to Turkey. After three songs, Axl stops the show and says: "If you don't stop throwing lit sparklers at each other, someone will get hurt and the band will be forced to leave the stadium."
The band fly overnight to Stansted

May 29th, 1993 - First of two shows at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes, England. "Nightrain" opens the set. After an encore of "Paradise City", Axl throws two dozen red roses into the crowd.
May 30th, 1993 - Gilby Clarke and his wife arrive from Los Angeles. Second show at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes, England. Ronnie Wood (the Rolling Stones) and Mike Monroe (ex Hanoi Rocks) joins the band onstage.
Izzy's last show replacing Gilby.

June 2nd, 1993 - Show in Vienna, Austria. This is Gilby's first show since he broke his wrist.
June 5th, 1993 - First show in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. With a strict 10:30pm curfew, the band start the set in daylight at 8:15pm.
June 6th, 1993 - Second show in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Matt joins The Cult onstage for their last number.
June 8th, 1993 - GN'R take a short flight to Copenhagen, Denmark.
GN'R is introduced with "Copenhagen! Welcome to the 1993 Guns N' Roses Sunshine Festival! From Hollywood, Guns N' Roses!"

Axl introduces Welcome To The Jungle with "Let's see if I know where I am. Am I in Sweden? [crowd yells no] Am I in Holland? [crowd yells no] Am I in Copenhagen [crowd yells yeah] Well, do you know where the fuck you are?".

Halfway through the show, members of the entourage are found watching the nightly news on a small hand-held TV set - on which images of the show are being broadcast from a zeppelin flying overhead.

June 9th, 1993 - The band fly to Norway.
June 10th, 1993 - Sell-out show (29 000) at the Valle Hovin stadium in Oslo, Norway.
That afternoon Duff pays a visit to a local dentist, where they remove a back tooth which has been giving him problems for some time.

In honour of the nation's heritage, all of the crew don plastic Viking helmets for the show - much to the amusement of the band and crowd.

Before the show, the band are presented with Platinum discs. So far they've sold 300,000 records in Norway - no mean feat in a country whose population is only a little over 10 times that size.

June 11th, 1993 - While on tour in Norway Matt visits his ancestral home town of Sørum.
Gilby and Duff go out to a private screening of the new Sylvester Stallone movie, Cliffhanger.

In the evening Matt and Slash go watch blues guitar legend John Mayall at a club. Mayall later invites Slash up to jam.

June 12th, 1993 - Show in front of 31 000 at the Olympic Stadium in Stockholm, Sweden. As the band leaves the stage, Slash tells the crowd that there will be an aftershow party in Dizzy's room back at the Sheraton hotel. Luckily, only a few people understood what he was talking about!
884 fans were lifted over the barrier during the show, which is a record. The average for this venue is 300.

43 fans received medical attention for headaches.

June 13th, 1993 - While in Stockholm, Duff, Gilby and Matt went out for brunch. They visited the local Hard Rock Cafe. Later in the evening, Gilby and Dizzy have dinner at an Italian restaurant. At night, they visit Cafe Opera
June 15th, 1993 - Slash does a live on-air interview on Swiss national radio station DRS3.
June 16th, 1993 - The show at the St Jakob Fussballstadion in Basel, Switzerland is opened by Blind Melon and Quireboys.
During the show a naked Shannon Hoon (Blind Melon) walks onstage to deliver a pizza.

June 17th, 1993 - In the evening Duff, Slash, Gilby and Matt go to the movies to see Alive. Dizzy revisits a tattooist and Axl takes a long sauna.
June 18th, 1993 - Dizzy's 30th birthday. The band fly to Bremen, Germany for the first of five German shows at the Weserstadion. The band play "Nice Boys" for the first time on this leg of the tour after which Axl invites the crowd to sing "Happy Birthday" to Dizzy.
June 19th, 1993 - Unable to find an open restaurant in Cologne, Germany, band members once again settle for a McDonalds.
June 20th, 1993 - A day-off. Sightseeing in Cologne. Slash and Gilby have dinner in an Italian restaurant next to the city's famous cathedral. The owner is unaware of the guitarist's sense of humor and so is delighted when Slash, unimpressed by the meal, signs the visitor's book:
"Of all the restaurants in the world, this is one!"

June 21st, 1993 - GN'R releases the videos "Don't Cry - Makin' Fucking Videos Part I" and "November Rain - Makin' Fucking Videos Part II".
June 21st, 1993 - GN'R fly to Stuttgart, Germany.
At the hotel, Slash records new material on a portable studio in his room.

June 22nd, 1993 - Show at the 50,000 seat Wildparkstadion in Karlsruhe, Germany. Support band Suicidal Tendencies fail to show up because they have been double booked and are in Italy opening for Metallica! Brain May gets stuck in traffic but eventually plays a longer set to compensate. GN'R hit the stage beneath a pouring rainstorm.
June 23rd, 1993 - Slash spends most of the day chatting with Axl and playing pinball.
June 24th, 1993 - Travel to Frankfurt, Germany. At 3am, Del James and Axl take a walk on their own without the usual security team. They find themselves in a seedy part of town confronted by junkies and drunks. After a few tense moments, they manage to extricate themselves before retiring to an all-night diner. They return to the hotel as the sun comes up.
June 25th, 1993 - Duff and the GN'R documentary film crew gatecrash a Geffen Germany sales conference in a nearby hotel. Duff commandeers the meeting, giving them a sneak preview of his solo album.
Tonight's show is held at Waldstadion in Frankfurt, Germany. For the first time since this leg of the tour started, the band play "Estranged".

June 26th, 1993 - The band fly to Munich, Germany and a show at the Olympic Stadium. Parts of the "Estranged" video are shot at this show.
June 28th, 1993 - Day off in Munich, Germany before flying to Bologna, Italy. In-flight movie is This Is Spinal Tap.
June 29th, 1993 - The show at the Stadio Braglia in Modena, Italy included a first rendition of Todd Rundgren's "Dust In The Wind".
June 30th, 1993 - Tonight's show at the Modena Stadio in Modena, Italy opens with "It's So Easy". Axl's assistant, Robert Finkelstein, is dumped at the front of the stage by three members of the security team.
At around 3am, the GN'R plane takes off from Bologna airport for Barcelona, Spain.

July 1st, 1993 - Duff's signing session at the Virgin Megastore in Barcelona attracts over 3,000.
July 2nd, 1993 - Slash and photographer Robert John are interviewed by a BBC film crew.
Axl, still in Verona, Italy, goes to watch U2.

July 3rd, 1993 - Axl and party travel to Venice, Italy for a day's sightseeing then on to Barcelona, Spain.
July 5th, 1993 - Show at the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona, Spain. Del James takes to the stage dressed in a Domino's Pizza uniform and plays congas on "Used To Love Her".
They fly out for Madrid at 3am.

July 6th, 1993 - With late curfews in Spain, tonight's 22-song set at the Vicente Calderon Stadium in Madrid, Spain, doesn't start until 11:15pm. Matt and Duff swap instruments during "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".
July 7th, 1993 - Duff and Robert John tour the city of Madrid, Spain finding locations to take potential publicity and album cover shots for the bassist's forthcoming solo album.
July 8th, 1993 - GN'R fly to Nancy, France for a show at the 20,000 capacity Zenith arena. Rob Affuso joins them on congas during the acoustic set.
After the show, the band fly direct to Lyons, France.

July 9th, 1993 - Show at the indoor Halle Tony Garnier in Lyons, France. Tour manager Bill Greer plays congas on "Used To Love Her".
July 10th, 1993 - Day off, shopping and sightseeing. Slash buys a collection of small tables, each individually made in the shape of a Walt Disney cartoon character.
July 11th, 1993 - Leave for Belgium at 5pm. Show in Werchter. Suicidal Tendencies last show supporting GN'R. After Brain May, GN'R play a 19 song, two hour 10 minute set.
July 12th, 1993 - While in Belgium, Slash, Gilby and a few of the entourage get a special guided tour of the dinosaur exhibition at Brussels' natural history museum.
July 13th, 1993 - Last European show in Paris, France.
July 14th, 1993 - GN'R fly to Argentina.
July 15th, 1993 - The band arrives in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
At 2:30pm, assorted band members in heavy disguise leave the hotel for a nearby cinema, where they sneak in to watch Jurassic Park.

Dizzy, Slash and Gilby end the night in the bar, entertaining fans on the piano.

July 16th, 1993 - Show at the 70,000 capacity River Plate Stadium. 50 police officers from the city's narcotics division force their way into Axl's top floor suite, where he's eating dinner. They don't find anything.
The 21-song set starts with "It's So Easy" and ends with " Paradise City".

"Double Talkin' Jive" is dedicated to "the motherfucker who says we had drugs" and the band jams on "Train Kept A-Rollin'" during the song.

July 17th, 1993 - The last show of the "Use Your Illusion" world tour. The show is going to be broadcast live on TV in Argentina and Uruguay.
The set kicks of at 9:30pm with "Nightrain".

After the show, Axl, Slash and Dizzy return to the hotel bar where Axl plays the grand piano. The festivities end at 5:30am.

July 18th, 1993 - Gilby, Duff and Matt leave for the airport to head home at 6:30am. Later in the day, Slash, Dizzy and Del James sneak off to see Jurassic Park again, before catching a 7:45pm flight home.
By 9:30am, everyone is back in Los Angeles.

It's been the longest tour in rock history. The band had played a total of 192 dates in 27 countries. Over seven million people had seen the band perform.

August 23rd, 1993 - Axl testifies against Steven Adler in the Los Angeles Superior Court. During the testimony Axl revealed that Steven couldn't play due to his drug abuse and that his drumtrack on "Civil War" had to be edited from over 60 takes.
September 24th, 1993 - GN'R made a $2.5 million dollar out-of-court settlement payment to Steven Adler in respect of his October 1991 lawsuit.
September 26th, 1993 - Duff plays his first show on his solo tour at Webster Hall in New York City. Slash joins Duff onstage and they perform "It's So Easy" together.
October, 1993 - Duff releases his solo album "Believe In Me" which featured appearances by Slash, Gilby, Matt, Dizzy and Sebastian Bach (Skid Row) amongst others.
October 21st, 1993 - Axl reaches an out-of-court settlement with a St. Louis fan who claimed he was hurt in a scuffle with Axl during the St. Louis 1991 concert. William (Stump) Stephenson received an undisclosed amount of money and Axl's autograph in his scrapbook. Stephenson said he was injured when Axl jumped off the stage and attacked him for taking pictures of the band. The show ended in a riot with about 65 people injured.
November 13th, 1993 - Duff makes an appearance at a record store in Stockholm, Sweden. He signed autographs and drank wine straight out of the bottle. One Swedish journalist didn't think it was appropriate since most of the people there were young teenagers.
November 14th, 1993 - Axl goes to see U2 at the Anaheim Stadium in Los Angeles, CA.
According to L.A. Times GN'R and U2 planned on doing something together.

November 23rd, 1993 - The cover album, "The Spaghetti Incident?" is released in the US. One of the songs is "Look At Your Game Girl" which was written by Charles Manson. This causes some controversy.

January 20th, 1994 - Axl appears at the induction of his musical inspiration, Elton John, into the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame. Later that night, Axl performs Come Together with Bruce Springsteen. This would be Axl's last public appearance until the arrest in Phoenix on February 11th, 1998.
April 25th, 1994 - The home video called "The Making Of Estranged: Part IV Of The Trilogy" is released.
May 10th, 1994 - Duff is close to death when his pancreas explode. The health crisis was triggered by his intense and prolonged abuse of drugs and alcohol. Duff was treated by the son of the doctor who brought him into the world as Michael McKagan in 1964. The doctor ordered him to stop drinking, so Duff changed his lifestyle.
June, 1994 - Gilby is fired.
June, 1994 - Gilby Clarke's "Pawnshop Guitars" is released on Virgin Records. Featured on the album is amongst others Slash, Axl and Duff.
June 26th, 1994 - Slash plays at the Night Of 100 Guitars in London, England. Slash and Pride & Glory performs the Jimi Hendrix classic "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)". Slash also joins Paul Rodgers for a version of "The Hunter".
August, 1994 - Slash joins Paul Rodgers onstage at the Woodstock 94 festival. They perform "I Don't Live Today" (which they actually recorded in 1993 for the "Stone Free" Jimi Hendrix tribute album), "Bad Company", "The Hunter" and "Alright Now".
October, 1994 - Slash's Snakepit finished recording their album during October and plan on releasing it in February 1995.
December, 1994 - The Rolling Stones classic "Sympathy For The Devil" is released as a single. It's featured in the "Interview With A Vampire" movie.
February, 1995 - Slash's Snakepit releases "It's Five O'Clock Somewhere". Slash's Snakepit is a band that was put together by Slash and it features Slash, Gilby, Matt, Eric Dover (formerly of Jellyfish) and Mike Inez (Alice In Chains).
March 10th, 1995 - Duff and Matt plays at the opening of the Hardrock Hotel in Las Vegas. They're in the house band with Ted Andreadis and they're called Wayne Neutron. Together they perform songs such as "Manic Depression", "Hey Joe" (both with Seal on vocals), "Rebel Yell", "Shakin' All Over" (both with Billy Idol on vocals), "Black Leather" (with Steve Jones) and "Raw Power" (with Iggy Pop and Steve Jones). Izzy Stradlin, BB King and Bo Diddley also performed songs with the band.
Other artists at the opening were Sheryl Crow, Weezer and Duran Duran (with John Taylor). This was the show where Neurotic Boy Outsiders were born.

August 25th, 1995 - Slash's Snakepit plays at the Monsters Of Rock at Castle Donington, England. This is the last show with this line-up.
September, 1995 - Slash joins Michael Jackson onstage at the MTV Video Music Awards
October 31st, 1995 - Shannon Hoon dies of an overdose in New Orleans. He was the lead singer of Blind Melon. Shannon sang on a couple of tracks on the "Use Your Illusion" albums. He can also be seen in the "Don't Cry" video.

March, 1996 - Slash travelled to Frankfurt, Germany to attend the Frankfurt Music Fair.
While there he jammed with Paul Rodgers and Peter Green (ex-Fleetwood Mac).

May, 1996 - Slash performs at James Brown's 63rd birthday concert in Augusta, GA along with Isaac Hayes and Bootsy Collins.
Later that month, he recorded a song called Obsession in New York for the Quentin Tarantino movie, Curdled.

July 25th, 1996 - Duff appears on the Howard Stern show.
August, 1996 - Neurotic Outsiders releases their debut album on Maverick Records. Neurotic Outsiders is a band that features Duff, Matt, John Taylor (Duran Duran) and Steve Jones (Sex Pistols).
During August and September, the band tours in North America and Europe.

August 14th, 1996 - Slash played in Budapest, Hungary at the Pepsi Island festival. Teddy Andreadis played keyboards and sang.
October 3rd, 1996 - Hard Copy (a TV-show) did a story on Steven Adler. Apparently Steven have had a stroke in the past because of his drug abuse but he's sober now.
October 16th, 1996 - Slash did an online chat where he said "Right now, Axl and I are deliberating over the future of our relationship." when asked about GN'R.
October 30th, 1996 - Slash leaves GN'R! Axl sent a fax to MTV which said that Slash hadn't been a part of GN'R since 1995. Despite this there will be a new GN'R record.
November 22nd, 1996 - Slash's Blues Ball plays at The House Of Blues in Hollywood. It's a band put together by Slash. They play covers like "Heartbreak Hotel" and "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".
They also played in San Diego (20th) and San Juan (21st).

December 5th, 1996 - Slash's Blues Ball start their three date East Coast tour at Tramps in New York City, NY. The remaining shows were on the 6th at Mama Kin's in Boston, MA and on the 7th at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia, PA.
January, 1997 - Axl buys the rights to the name Guns N' Roses.
January 29th, 1997 - Slash's Blues Ball's eight date tour starts in Palo Alto, CA. The tour ends on February 8th in Ventura, CA. The tour takes the band to California, Washington, Oregon and Arizona.
February 24th, 1997 - Steven Adler's new band Freaks In The Room plays at Billboard Live (formerly knowns as Gazzarri's) in West Hollywood, CA. The band is the Monday night house band at the venue.
April, 1997 - During April, Slash's Blues Ball plays some shows in Louisiana, Texas, Nevada and Arizona.
May 30th, 1997 - West Arkeen died from an accidental drug overdose. He was a friend of the band and co-wrote songs such as "The Garden" and "Yesterdays".
July 31st, 1997 - "Appetite For Destruction" was released ten years ago!
August, 1997 - Duff quits GN'R.
February 11th, 1998 - Axl is arrested after allegedly threatening a security worker at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport.
March 9th, 1998 - Izzy Stradlin's 117° released in Europe.
March 10th, 1998 - Izzy Stradlin's 117° released in the US
May 5th, 1998 - 10 Minute Warning releases their debut album on Sub Pop.
October 27th, 1998 - A home video called Welcome To The Videos released.
January 24th, 1999 - Duff, Matt and Slash played at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. They performed music from the Soundman (Matt scored the movie along with Lanny Cordola). They also performed a couple of covers, "Superstitious", "Attitude", "Ziggy Stardust", "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" and "Honky Tonk Woman"
The media called this "a GN'R reunion".

February 18th, 1999 - Axl pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of disturbing the peace. He was slapped with a $500 fine and one day in jail - which he already served. The charges stemmed from an incident in 1998 at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport.
March 16th, 1999 - GN'R were presented with the new Diamond Award from the RIAA, commemorating the sales of 15 million copies of "Appetite For Destruction". The award was accepted in New York by Steven Adler.
April 5th, 1999 - The Neurotic Outsiders plays the first of three shows at Los Angeles' Viper Room. The remaining two shows were on the 12th and the 26th.
At the first show on the 5th, The Cult's Ian Astbury and guitarist Billy Duffy joined the Neurotic Outsiders to perform three Cult songs, including "Wild Flower" and "Love Removal Machine."

April 26th, 1999 - Neurotic Outsiders plays the last April show at the Viper Room in Los Angeles, CA. The band were joined on stage by Sporty Spice Mel C. and Cult members Billy Duffy and Ian Astbury.
May 13th, 1999 - Loaded's May tour starts in San Fransico, CA. The tour ends on the 31st at the Casbah in San Diego, CA.
May 27th, 1999 - Loaded released their debut album. It's a live album called "Episode 1999: Live". It can only be ordered through their web site.
June 25th, 1999 - Adam Sandler's movie Big Daddy premiers. Over the end credits a version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" is played. Apparently the song begins with a live version, then morphs into a new version recorded by the new GN'R.
August 1st, 1999 - Robin Finck leaves GN'R and rejoins his former group, Nine Inch Nails.
August 28th, 1999 - Slash joins Cheap Trick onstage at their 25 anniversary concert in Rockford, IL. He plays on "You''re All Talk". The concert was released as a Cheap Trick CD/DVD entitled "Silver" in 2001.
September 9th, 1999 - A short clip of a new GN'R track called "Oh My God" appears in a trailer for the new Arnold Schwarzenegger movie End Of Days. The trailer premiered during the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards.
October 8th, 1999 - "Oh My God" is played on US radio.
November 9th, 1999 - Axl does a phone interview with Kurt Loder on MTV.
November 24th, 1999 - World premiere of the movie End Of Days with the new track Oh My God in it.
November 30th, 1999 - "Live Era '87 - '93" released in the US.
December 14th, 1999 - GN'R's management company, Big F D Entertainment sued former bandmembers Slash and Duff McKagan for what Big F D says are monies owed.
December 31st, 1999 - Slash plays at the American Millenium Party in Washington, DC.

January 10th, 2000 - A new Axl interview is published in Rolling Stone. In the interview Axl unveils upcoming GN'R song titles (''Catcher in the Rye,'' ''I.R.S,'' ''The Blues'' and ''TWAT").
March, 2000 - Josh Freese leaves GN'R.
April 15th, 2000 - Izzy plays the first of four shows in Japan. The first show was in Tokyo followed by shows in Yokohama (17th), Osaka (19th) and Nagoya (21st).
June 22nd, 2000 - Axl joins Gilby Clarke and the rest of The Starfuckers onstage at the Cat Club on Sunset Boulevard. They performed "Wild Horses" and "Dead Flowers".
Also during June, Slash signed to Koch Records.

August 1st, 2000 - AC/DC's US tour starts with Slash's Snakepit as the openers.
October 9th, 2000 - Slash's Snakepit's second album, Ain't Life Grand is released.
October 25th, 2000 - Roberto Medina (head of the Rock In Rio festival) told Brazil's Globo television network that Axl Rose has agreed to play at Rock in Rio 3 in January 2001 with his new lineup.
Also during October. Guns N' Roses' management company, Big F.D confirmed that Bryan "Brain" Mantia joined as the drummer. Buckethead and Robin Finck (who rejoined the band) are playing guitar

November 4th, 2000 - Slash's Snakepit's Asian tour starts in Taiwan. After the show in Taiwan, the band travels to Japan and plays five shows there. The tour ends on the 16th in Fukuoka.
November 19th, 2000 - The first show of the planned Slash's Snakepit tour of Australia and New Zealand was to be played in Melbourne, Australia on the 19th. The seven date tour was cancelled earlier in November.
December 3rd, 2000 - The European leg of the Slash's Snakepit tour starts at the Corporation in Sheffield, England. During the month of December, the band plays shows in England, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands and Italy.
December 6th, 2000 - A show at the House Of Blues in Las Vegas, NV on New Year's Day is announced. Tickets went onsale on the same day and the show sold out almost immediately.
January 1st, 2001 - The new GN'R line-up plays their first show together at the House Of Blues in Las Vegas.
January 14th, 2001 - GN'R plays in front of about 200 000 people at Rock In Rio III in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
March, 2001 - Slash's Snakepit cancels some headlining shows as well as their tour with AC/DC due to pneumonia. Slash said this in a press statement: "I apologize to the fans and to AC/DC, but I don't want to get up there and do a half-ass show. I hate to let people down, but it wouldn't be right to give them a performance that's anything less than our best."
May 10th, 2001 - GN'R cancels their European tour that was supposed to start on June 1st.
May 21st, 2001 - Izzy Stradlin releases his fourth solo album called River in Europe.
June 14th, 2001 - Axl was interviewed by Fred Roggin on NBC while he was attending the NBA Finals in Philadelphia.
June 15th, 2001 - Slash's Snakepit's US tour starts with a show in Clifton Park, NY.
July 18th, 2001 - Slash's Snakepit plays the last show on their 24-date US tour at Slim's in San Francisco, CA.
July 27th, 2001 - Loaded's Japanese tour starts in Tokyo. It ends on August 5th in Osaka.
August 20th, 2001 - Izzy Stradlin's River is released in the US.
September 7th, 2001 - Slash performs at the Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration show in New York. He plays guitar on Beat It and Black Or White.
September 10th, 2001 - Slash performs at the second Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration show in New York. He plays guitar on Beat It and Black Or White.
September 13th, 2001 - The release of the Live In Las Vegas 2001 DVD/VHS is cancelled.
October 15th, 2001 - Slash marries girlfriend Perla in Maui.
November 8th, 2001 - GN'R cancels their rescheduled European tour that was supposed to start on December 2nd in Arnhem, The Netherlands. Many of the shows sold out without any major promotion.
December 8th, 2001 - Slash plays at Ronnie Wood's show at the Vicar Street in Dublin, Ireland. They also play two shows in London, England. On the 11th at the Sheperd's Bush Empire and on the 12th at the CC Club.
December 29th, 2001 - GN'R plays at The Joint in Las Vegas, Nevada.
December 31st, 2001 - GN'R plays at The Joint in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Slash wanted to see the show, but was not let in.

Doug Goldstein, GN'R's manager, said: "We didn’t know what his intentions were. If nothing else, it would have been a distraction. Axl was really nervous about these shows. We decided on our own not to take any risk."

February 8th, 2002 - The first show on Loaded's Dark Days Japan Tour is in Osaka. In addition to this show, the band plays in Nagoya (9th) and in Tokyo (10th).
April 24th, 2002 - GN'R is set to play for SummerSonic festival '02 in Japan. The promotor Creativeman published their official announcement about GN'R performing in Japan this summer.
This two day festival is held at two different locations on August 17th (Saturday) and 18th (Sunday). One is in Tokyo and the other is in Osaka.

April 27th, 2002 - The news that GN'R are set to play this year's Carling Leeds Festival in the UK on August 23, was revealed today.
April 29th, 2002 - Slash, Duff and Matt played together with Buckcherry singer Josh Todd and guitarist Keith Nelson at the Randy Castillo Tribute in Los Angeles.
They were joined by Cypress Hill's Sen Dog on "Paradise City" and Steven Tyler on Aerosmith hit "Mama Kin" at the tail end of a set.

The set: It's So Easy, God Save The Queen, Nice Boys, Lit Up, Paradise City and Mama Kin

June 27th, 2002 - Singer Shooter Jennings (only son of late country music star Waylon Jennings) performed Guns N' Roses songs "It's So Easy" and "Paradise City" live with ex-Guns N' Roses musicians Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum and Slash during the opening of new Hollywood rock club "Club Vodka" at Circus in Hollywood, CA. They also performed AC/DC's "Whole Lotta Rosie" together.
August 14th, 2002 - GN'R plays the first date on their Chinese Democracy World tour in Hong Kong, China.
August 17th, 2002 - First Japanese show on the tour in Urayasu, Japan. The show was part of the Summersonic festival.
August 18th, 2002 - Second Japanese show on the tour in Osaka, Japan. This show was also part of the Summersonic festival.
August 23rd, 2002 - GN'R plays at the Leeds Festival in England. The show starts at 11.10pm, an hour later than scheduled because of delays caused by technical problems.
Axl speaks about how the city council wants to end the show:

"Well, it appears that we're gonna have an interesting evening.... You see, the city council and the promoters say we have to like end the show. And they'll say that I'm, they could say maybe I'm inciting a riot. Now I'm not, 'cause I don't want anyone to get arrested or anyone to get in trouble or anything like that. But I think we got a good seven or eight fuckin' songs left at least. And I didn't fuckin' come all the way over to fuckin' England to be told to go back fuckin home, by some fuckin' asshole! All I've got for the last eight years is shit after shit after shit in the fuckin' press and Axl's this, Axl's that. I'm here to play a fuckin' show and we wanna play! So, if you wanna stay, I wanna stay and we'll see what happens. Everybody... Nobody try to get in trouble or anything. Try to have a good time."

GN'R were allowed to finish their set and it ended just before 1am.

August 24th, 2002 - Second European show of the August 2002 tour. This time it's time for the people at Belgium's Pukkelpop festival to get rocked by GN'R. Show starts at around midnight local time and ends two hours later.
August 26th, 2002 - Last show of the August tour at London Arena in London, England. The show is sold out and Weezer is supporting GN'R.
During the show Axl mentions that GN'R has two albums ready.

August 29th, 2002 - GN'R closes the 2002 MTV VMAs in New York with a medley of Welcome To The Jungle, Madagascar and Paradise City!
Right after the performance, Axl gave a short interview to MTV's Kurt Loder.

November 7th, 2002 - GN'R's first show on the North American Chinese Democracy tour in Vancouver, Canada is cancelled.
Some people decide to take out their anger on the venue and smashed windows. After a while, cops with attack dogs arrived at the venue and started attacking the crowd. People got sprayed with pepper spray and beaten by riot batons.

November 8th, 2002 - Show at the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA.
November 11th, 2002 - Show in Boise, ID at the Idaho Center Arena.
November 14th, 2002 - GN'R plays at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN. First time Tommy plays in his home town with GN'R.
November 15th, 2002 - Fargodome in Fargo, ND gets a visit from GN'R.
November 17th, 2002 - During the show in Moline, IL's Mark Of The Quad Cities, Axl loses a ring during You Could Be Mine.
November 18th, 2002 - GN'R plays at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, IL.
November 21st, 2002 - The show at the Palace Of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, MI is cut short and features no encore.
November 22nd, 2002 - At the show in Pittsburgh, PA at the Mellon Arena, Axl wears a #66 Mario Lemiuex Pittsburgh Penguins jersey.
November 24th, 2002 - Show in Cleveland, OH at the Gund Arena.
November 25th, 2002 - Second Ohio show at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH.
November 27th, 2002 - GN'R plays in Albany, NY at the Pepsi Arena.
November 29th, 2002 - First Canadian show of 2002 in Toronto, Ontario at the AirCanada Centre.
November 30th, 2002 - GN'R continue playing in Canada with a show in London, Ontario at the John Labatt Centre.
December 2nd, 2002 - Show in Boston, MA at the FleetCenter.
December 3rd, 2002 - Show at the Civic Center in Hartford, CT.
December 5th, 2002 - GN'R plays at a sold out Madison Square Garden in New York City. This became the last show of the North American tour.
December 6th, 2002 - GN'R were supposed to play at the First Union Center in Philadelphia, PA.
Both opening acts played tonight. Mix Master Mike finished his set at about 9:50. About 40 minutes later, people were booing.

After 11 some people started throwing chairs and at around 11:10 the official announcement that the show had been postponed due to health reasons came out over the PA.

Some angry fans threw bottles, tossed chairs and pulled down tiles from the ceilings. They overturned garbage cans and knocked over stage equipment.

At least 15 people were injured and extra police units were called in to manage the irate crowd.

January 7th, 2003 - Slash was nominated for a Grammy award in the Best Rock Instrumental category for his version of "The Godfather Love Theme".
January 21st, 2003 - Duff, Matt and Slash played at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Singing with them was actress Gina Gershon.
Together they performed songs such as Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walkin' " and the Stooges' "I Wanna Be Your Dog".

With Shooter Jenning on vocals thy performed Bad Company's "Feel Like Makin' Love," the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," the Damned's "New Rose" and such GN'R songs as "It's So Easy" and "Paradise City."

February 23rd, 2003 - Slash didn't win the Grammy for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. The Grammy went to The Flaming Lips.
March 1st, 2003 - It's revealed that Steven Adler's new band is called Suki Jones.
The band are performing an all-cover set list that includes songs from "Appetite For Destruction" as well as songs by Thin Lizzy and AD/DC.

March 15th, 2003 - The Offspring planned to call their new album Chinese Democracy. "You snooze, you lose," Offspring singer Dexter Holland said. "Axl ripped-off my braids, so I ripped-off his album title."
April 28th, 2003 - Photographer Robert John sued Axl Rose for allegedly refusing to honor an earlier contract in which Rose agreed to pay $80,000 for hundreds of photos of the band that John has taken since 1985.
May 13th, 2003 - Scott Weiland confirms to Rolling Stone that he is the singer for the band featuring Duff, Matt and Slash. He also says that the band's name is Reloaded.
June 6th, 2003 - It's announced that the band featuring Scott Weiland, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum, Slash and Dave Kushner is called Velvet Revolver.
June 19th, 2003 - Velvet Revolver plays their first live show at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles.
The setlist: Bodies (by the Sex Pistols), Set Me Free, Sex Type Thing (by the Stone Temple Pilots), It's So Easy (GN'R), Slither, Negative Creep (by Nirvana)

The exclusive invitation-only show was preceded by a media question-and-answer session.

July, 2003 - During July, Tommy Stinson plays solo shows in New York City, Liverpool, Birmingham and London, UK.
July 5th, 2003 - Velvet Revolver's "Set Me Free" enters the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart at number 30.
July 16th, 2003 - According to MTV, Axl previewed a few Chinese Democracy tracks at the Crazy Horse Too in Las Vegas.
August 16th, 2003 - The DVD/EP of their first live show that Velvet Revolver had planned to release, was cancelled.
August 22nd, 2003 - Velvet Revolver sign with RCA Records.
"We're thrilled to partner with RCA Records and its legendary chief, the enigmatic Clive Davis," the band said in a statement. "We believe this marriage will be a loyal, dedicated and fruitful relationship not based solely on business, but instead on the thing that once dared us all to dream — music."

August 24th, 2003 - Tommy Stinson starts a three week US club tour in Albany, NY.
August 30th, 2003 - Mike Piazza appeared on New York classic rock station Q104.3's show, "Friday Night Rocks... with Eddie Trunk".
He had a CD marked "Guns N' Roses, 'I.R.S.', " which he said he received in the mail three weeks prior. Trunk played the song at 12:15 a.m.

According to news reports, Piazza then gave the cd to Trunk who was contacted by GN'R's management.

September 21st, 2003 - Izzy and Slash joined Adler's Appetite at their show in Hollywood, CA.
They played Mr. Brownstone, Knockin' On Heaven's Door and Paradise City with the band.

Later Steven commented on the reunion on his site:

"It was real nice. Well, the guys in my band, Jizzy, Kerri...are great, too. I love playing the songs with them. Having Slash and Izzy up there with us made playing those songs more real, y'know? They are my brothers, we accomplished a lot together. Playing with them again was great. I hope the fans liked it."

October 21st, 2003 - A tracklisting for a GN'R "Greatest Hits" or "Best Of" appeared on
Apparently Geffen planned on releasing it on November 25th, but it was later cancelled.

October 27th, 2003 - Velvet Revolver's Scott Weiland was arrested in Hollywood, CA on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and misdemeanor hit-and-run following a traffic collision.
He was later ordered to report to a live-in detox program followed by six months in a residential drug rehab center.

October 28th, 2003 - GN'R enters the DVD age with the North American release of the Use Your Illusion World Tour - Live In Tokyo I, II and Welcome To The Videos DVDs.
October 31st, 2003 - Matt Sorum's first solo album "Hollywood Zen" was released. It's sold through his website. Slash makes a guest appearance on the track "The Blame Game".
November 6th, 2003 - It's announced that GN'R will perform at the Rock In Rio - Lisbon festival in Lisbon, Portugal on May 30th, 2004.
November 8th, 2003 - The Welcome To The Videos DVD entered the Billboard Top Music Video chart at number 5.
December 23rd, 2003 - According to Slash, Velvet Revolver's debut album is done.
It was mixed in New York City and handed over to RCA Records.

January, 2004 - Adler's Appetite plays shows in Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Germany. The shows that were planned for the UK in February were cancelled.
January 15th, 2004 - Velvet Revolver's official biography, written by David Wild, was released by RCA Records.
January 16th, 2004 - The Gibson Custom Shop introduced a Slash Signature Les Paul guitar.
February 19th, 2004 - Geffen sent out a press release announcing the release of a Greatest Hits album.
March 15th, 2004 - "Greatest Hits" is released in Europe. The album goes to #1 in at least nine European countries.
March 23rd, 2004 - US release of "Greatest Hits". The album enters the Billboard chart at #3.
March 30th, 2004 - It's announced that GN'R have cancelled the planned show at Rock In Rio - Lisbon in Lisbon, Portugal on May 30th. According to the press release, the show is cancelled because Buckethead left the band.
April 18th, 2004 - GN'R's "Greatest Hits" rose to #1 in its fifth chart week on the UK Album Chart. It's the band's first #1 album since Use Your Illusion II which topped the chart in September 1991.
April 29th, 2004 - A lawsuit in which Duff and Slash sued Axl, claiming he ripped them off to the tune of at least a million dollars, was filed at the Los Angles Superior Court.
May 13th, 2004 - Velvet Revolver's North American tour starts in St. Louis, MO at The Pageant.
June 8th, 2004 - Velvet Revolver's debut album, "Contraband" is released in North America. The album sells more than 250000 copies in its first week and enters the Billboard chart at #1.
June 9th, 2004 - European release of Velvet Revolver's "Contraband".
June 25th, 2004 - Adler's Appetite start their European tour in Duisburg, Germany. The band plays shows countries such as Greece, The Netherlands, Hungary and Austria.
July 5th, 2004 - The Guns N' Roses: Behind The Music has its official premiere on VH1. Ex-members featured in the show are Slash, Steven, Gilby and Matt.
July 26th, 2004 - Tommy Stinson's solo album, "Village Gorilla Head" is released in Europe. It was released in North American on the 27th.
August, 2004 - Velvet Revolver plays shows in Europe.
August 25th, 2004 - Tommy Stinson's North American solo tour starts in Seattle, WA at Chop Suey. It ends on September 17th in Hoboken, NJ at Maxwell's.
September, 2004 - Dizzy Reed plays shows across the eastern part of the USA with his cover band Dizzy Reed's Hollywood Bulldozer.
September 20th, 2004 - Tommy Stinson's first European show on his tour supporting Jesse Malin is in Manchester, UK.
The tour visits the UK, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Greece. It ends on October 15th.

October, 2004 - The videogame GTA: San Andreas is released. It features Axl as the voice of Tommy "The Nightmare" Smith, the K-DST DJ.
October 12th, 2004 - GN'R issued the following press release regarding rumors that they had recruited a new guitarist to replace Buckethead:
There have been numerous reports over the last few weeks from various sources claiming that one person or another has been invited to join Guns N' Roses. To set the record straight no one - we repeat no one - has been invited to join the band. We would normally not respond to rumours but it is wrong to allow a few self publicists the platform to mislead the media and Guns N' Roses fans. We will let you know when there is credible news on this subject.

October 16th, 2004 - Velvet Revolver's North American fall tour starts with an appearance at Buzzfest 5 in Nashville, TN at the Starwood Amphitheatre.
December 7th, 2004 - Velvet Revolver are nominated in three Grammy categories: Best Hard Rock Performance: Slither, Best Rock Song: Fall To Pieces and Best Rock Album: Contraband.

January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.
January 9th, 2005 - The first show on Velvet Revolver's January UK and Ireland tour is at the Hammersmith Apollo in London, UK.
During January the band plays five shows in London as well as shows in Dublin, Ireland, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and Cardiff.

January 21st, 2005 - Tommy's 2005 North American tour starts in Fargo, ND at the House Of Rock. The tour ends on February 11th in Cedar Falls, IO.
January 26th, 2005 - It's announced that Axl has signed a publishing deal with the Sanctuary Music Group. Previously, Warner Chappell published Axl's works.
The deal covers both future material and catalogue.

February 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver plays their first show in Japan at the Club Diamond Hall in Nagoya. The tour ends a week later with two shows at the Zepp in Tokyo.
February 3rd, 2005 - Dizzy's seven date East Coast tour starts in Burlington, VT.
March 19th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Electric Wonderland" tour starts in Phoenix, AZ at the Phoenix International Raceway.
The tour ends in Miami, FL at the Sound Advice Amphitheatre on May 25th.

April 22nd, 2005 - A club in Cartersville, GA claimed Axl would play a show there.
The show was even advertised on a local radio station and the club claimed they had a signed contract with Axl. It turned out to be a hoax.

April 28th, 2005 - Richard Fortus plays the first show with German singer Nena in Europe. The tour continues in June and they also have dates in July and August. The last dates are in September.
June 3rd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European summer tour starts at the Zeppelinfeld in Germany. They're playing at the Rock Im Park festival. During June and July the band plays festivals as well as headlining shows and shows supporting Black Sabbath.
June 21st, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's new song "Come On Come In" from the Fantastic Four movie premieres on US radio.
July, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" is certified double-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for shipments in excess of two million copies in the United States.
July 2nd, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's European tour that started in June ends with an appearance at the Live 8 concert held at London's Hyde Park.
The band perform a three song set consisting of "Do It For The Kids", "Fall To Pieces" and "Slither".

Among the other acts on the same bill were U2, Madonna, Pink Floyd and The Who.

August 4th, 2005 - Velvet Revolver's last leg of their tour starts at the Soaring Eagle Casino in Mount Pleasant, MI. Matt Sorum, who had injured his hand, was replaced on this leg by Brian Tichy and Mark Schulman (shows from August 20th until September 17th). This leg of the tour included a Hurricane Katrina Relief Concert in Orlando, FL on September 6th as well as OzzFest shows (August 23rd to September 4th).
August 22nd, 2005 - MTV reports that Duff and Slash have sued Axl over publishing royalties. They accuse Axl of changing the publisher of the group's copyrighted songs without their consent and pocketing the royalties.
On August 29th, Axl's attorney stated that ASCAP (the entity that collects money for songwriters) made a clerical error and failed to appropriately divide and distribute the royalty's owed for the first quarter of 2005.

September 8th, 2005 - Dizzy Reed plays his first show on his September tour in Clifton, NJ. The East Coast tour ends on the 18th.
October 15th, 2005 - Izzy Stradlin's "Like a Dog" album that was recorded in April/May 2003 is made available by mailorder. Fans are able to order promotional copies, without artwork, of the album. Less than 1000 copies were pressed.
October 24th, 2005 - Tommy Stinson joins Soul Asylum as their bass player for three shows. On the 24th in Minneapolis, MN, on the 26th in New York, NY and on the 28th in Memphis, TN. Tommy did these shows as a tribute to their late bass player Karl Mueller.
November 16th, 2005 - Slash performs "Hey Joe" with Steve Winwood, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox at the UK Music Hall of Fame ceremony in London, UK.
December 23rd, 2005 - Tommy plays a show with Soul Asylum at the First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
December 31st, 2005 - Tommy plays a New Year's show with Soul Asylum at the House Of Blues in Chicago, IL while Velvet Revolver play their New Year's show at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ.

January 13th, 2006 - Axl goes to the launch party for Korn's "See You on the Other Side" Tour at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
He tells that "we're working on thirty-two songs, and twenty-six are nearly done".

January 22nd, 2006 - Adler's Appetite play their first German show on the tour in Ludwigsburg. After the show, Steven fires the rest of the band and leaves them stranded in Germany.

May 5th, 2006 - Sebastian Bach invites Axl to stop by the radio station in New York City where he's a guest on the Eddie Trunk show. Axl stops by and they play records and talk about the past as well as the plans for the future.
May 12th, 2006 - GN'R plays the first of four sold out warm-up shows at New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom.
May 14th, 2006 - Second sold out show at New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom.
May 15th, 2006 - Third sold out show at New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom.
May 17th, 2006 - Fourth and final sold out show at New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom.
Izzy Stradlin joins the band on stage for the first time since May 1993. He guests on Think About You, Patience and Nightrain. Kid Rock also joins the band for Nightrain.

May 18th, 2006 - GN'R plays a surprise acoustic show at Rosario Dawson's Birthday Party at The Plumm in New York City, NY, USA.
This is the first time the band plays acoustic. It's also the first time they perform Used To Love Her and You're Crazy.

The setlist: Used To Love Her, Mr. Brownstone, Welcome To The Jungle, You're Crazy (acoust GN'R Lies version), Patience, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, The Blues, I.R.S., Sweet Child O' Mine, November Rain (Axl on keyboards), Paradise City.

May 25th, 2006 - The European tour starts in Madrid, Spain at the Auditorio Parque Juan Carlos I.
May 27th, 2006 - GN'R headlines the Saturday night at the Rock In Rio 2006 festival held at the Parque da Bela Vista in Lisbon, Portugal.
May 31st, 2006 - Show in Budapest, Hungary at the Papp László Budapest Sportaréna.
June 2nd, 2006 - GN'R plays another festival. This time the Rock Am Ring festival held at the Nürburgring in Eifel, Germany.
June 4th, 2006 - GN'R visits Italy with a headlining set at the Gods of Metal Festival in Milan.
June 7th, 2006 - GN'R returns to London, UK for a special smaller show at the legendary Hammersmith Apollo. This show was a special warm up show for the weekend's Download Festival.
June 9th, 2006 - GN'R plays in Dublin, Ireland at the RDS Arena. The show is special since it takes place in daylight.
June 11th, 2006 - GN'R headlines the Sunday night at the 2006 edition of the Download Festival at Donington Park, UK.
Izzy Stradlin joins the band on stage for several numbers for the first time on this European summer tour. Sebastian Bach also makes a guest appearance on My Michelle.

Earlier that day, Axl visited the Formula 1 British Grand Prix at Silverstone and was interviewed by ITV's Martin Brundle.

June 13th, 2006 - GN'R plays the Czech Republic for the first time. Last time GN'R played in Prague, the country was called Czechoslovakia. Tonight's show is at the Sazka Arena.
June 15th, 2006 - First ever GN'R show in Poland at Warszawa's Stadion Legii.
June 17th, 2006 - Headlining show at the Novarock festival held in the fields in Burgenland, Austria.
June 20th, 2006 - Show in Paris, France at the Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy.
June 21st, 2006 - Guns N' Roses was forced to postpone their show in Zürich, Switzerland at the Hallenstadion because Brain had to return to San Francisco earlier than scheduled to be with his pregnant wife.
The Swiss show took place on July 1st instead.

June 24th, 2006 - The first show for understudy drummer Frank Ferrer, who's filling in for Brain while he's back home, at Graspop Metal Meeting in Dessel, Belgium.
June 26th, 2006 - The first of the sold out Scandinavian shows is in Stockholm, Sweden at Globen. Dizzy plays a bit of ABBA's "S.O.S." to mark the occasion.
June 27th, 2006 - Axl was released from jail this evening after having been arrested at 8 a.m. in the lobby of his hotel . The arrest followed an altercation with a hotel security guard in Stockholm, Sweden.
June 28th, 2006 - Oslo, Norway is next on the tour. GN'R plays a sold out show at the Spektrum.
June 29th, 2006 - The 2006 edition of the legendary Roskilde Festival in Denmark is taking place and GN'R headlines the Thursday night.
July 1st, 2006 - The rescheduled Swiss show takes place in Zürich at the Hallenstadion.
July 2nd, 2006 - The only Dutch show on the tour is in Nijmegen at the Goffertpark.
July 5th, 2006 - First of the two sold out Finnish shows in Helsinki at the Hartwall Areena.
July 6th, 2006 - Second sold out show in Helsinki, Finland at the Hartwall Areena.
July 8th, 2006 - GN'R returns to Norway for a second show in Oslo at the Spektrum.
July 10th, 2006 - GN'R were originally scheduled to be opening for The Rolling Stones in Nürnberg, Germany on this date, but that show as canceled due to Keith Richard's accident. So GN'R plays in Malakasa, Greece at Terravibe instead.
July 12th, 2006 - Show in Istanbul, Turkey at the Kurucesme Arena. This was also supposed to be a date where GN'R were scheduled to be opening for the Rolling Stones in Germany.
July 14th, 2006 - The band returns to Spain, where the European tour started, for a headlining show in Bilbao at the BilbaoLive Festival.
July 15th, 2006 - A second headlining spot at another Spanish festival. This one is in El Ejido-Almeria and the festival is called the Natural Music Festival.
July 18th, 2006 - GN'R returns to a sweltering UK for a show at the Hallam FM Arena in Sheffield.
July 19th, 2006 - The show in Newcastle, UK at Metro Radio Arena ends earlier than planned because Axl was hit twice by objects thrown from the audience.
July 21st, 2006 - An insane Scottish crowd greets the band at the sold out show in Glasgow, UK at the SECC.
July 23rd, 2006 - Show in Manchester, UK at the MEN Arena.
July 25th, 2006 - Sold out show in Birmingham, UK at the NEC Arena. You Could Be Mine is stopped because Axl sees security mistreating a fan. After the security guys have been kicked out, the band restart the song.
July 27th, 2006 - The last show, on this tour, outside of London is in Nottingham, UK at the Nottingham Arena.
July 29th, 2006 - First of two sold out shows at London's Wembley Arena. The band surprises the crowd by playing a few "proper English" songs thay hadn't played before (Sway (The Rolling Stones), Sailing (made famous by Rod Stewart) and Back In The USSR (The Beatles).
July 30th, 2006 - The European tour ends with a show at the Wembley Arena in London, UK.
Axl got sick and left the stage during Nightrain. Sebastian Bach took over on vocals and he also sang Paradise City.

At the end of the show GN'R's manager Merck Mercuriadis explained that Axl had been advised by doctors not to play the show, but he refused to cancel it.

Earlier that morning at 4AM, GN'R played a surprise acoustic show at the Cuckoo Club.

August 31st, 2006 - Axl introduced The Killers at the MTV Video Music Awards in New York, NY. He started the introduction with his trade mark "Do you know where the fuck you are?!?" scream.
He was also interviewed by John Norris.

September 16th, 2006 - GN'R plays a sold out show in Las Vegas, NV at The Joint.
September 17th, 2006 - Second night at The Joint in Las Vegas, NV.
September 20th, 2006 - First (of two) sold out San Francisco, CA shows at The Warfield
September 21st, 2006 - Second sold out show at The Warfield in San Francisco, CA. Axl stops the show during Sweet Child O' Mine due to some people causing problems. He tells them they're fucking up other peoples' show and asks them if their mommy bought them the tickets. He also says "If you think you're a bigger asshole than me, you have alot to learn!".
September 23rd, 2006 - GN'R headlines KROQ's Inland Invasion 2006 held in Devore, CA at the Hyundai Pavilion.
October 24th, 2006 - The North American leg of the 2006 tour starts in Sunrise, FL at the BankAtlantic Center.
Sebastian Bach and Papa Roach are the opening acts.

October 25th, 2006 - Second Florida show in Tampa at the St. Pete Times Forum.
October 27th, 2006 - Show in Estero, FL at the Germain Arena.
October 29th, 2006 - GN'R plays in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum. During the show, Axl comments on how certain fans, who don't even attend the shows, complain about the setlist.
October 31st, 2006 - Last of the four Florida shows in Jacksonville at the Veterans Memorial Arena.
November 2nd, 2006 - Show in Greensboro, NC at the Greensboro Coliseum.
November 3rd, 2006 - The first performance of Down On The Farm on this tour happens in Huntington, WV at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena.
November 5th, 2006 - The start of the show in East Rutherford, NJ at the Continental Airlines Arena is delayed due to technical problems with Dizzy's keyboards.
November 6th, 2006 - The show in Portland, ME at the Cumber County Civic Center was cancelled due to limitations imposed by local fire marshals.
November 8th, 2006 - GN'R plays a show in Worcester, MA at the DCU Center.
November 10th, 2006 - A sold out show at the legendary Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY.
To mark the occasion, Ron plays a guitar solo from KISS.

November 11th, 2006 - Axl takes part in the "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson's" 2006 Benefit for The Michael J. Fox Foundation in New York, NY. He sang Live And Let Die with a band at the benefit.
November 13th, 2006 - The show in Baltimore, MD at the 1st Mariner Arena marks the first show where the Suicide Girls are one of the opening acts. They will be opening the shows for the rest of the tour.
November 15th, 2006 - The first Canadian show on this tour takes place in Toronto, ON at the Air Canada Centre.
November 17th, 2006 - Show in Ottawa, ON at the Scotiabank Place. Axl gets the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to Richard.
November 18th, 2006 - Sold out show in Quebec City, QC at the Colisée Pepsi
November 20th, 2006 - Halifax, NS is the place to be on this date. A sold out show at the Halifax Metro Centre. The Trailer Park Boys make an appearance.
November 21st, 2006 - Show in Saint John, NB at the Harbour Station.
November 24th, 2006 - GN'R crosses the border for a show in Cleveland, OH at the Quicken Loans Arena.
November 25th, 2006 - Show in Auburn Hills, MI at the The Palace of Auburn Hills.
November 27th, 2006 - GN'R plays in Chicago, IL at the Allstate Arena.
November 29th, 2006 - The show scheduled to take place at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, WI was cancelled due to illness. Axl was suffering from an ear infection and strep throat.
December 1st, 2006 - The show in Iowa is in Ames at the Hilton Coliseum.
December 2nd, 2006 - Show in Minneapolis, MN at the Target Center.
December 4th, 2006 - GN'R returns to Canada to play at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, MB.
December 6th, 2006 - Another sold out Canadian show. This one is in Calgary, AB at the Pengrowth Saddledome.
December 7th, 2006 - Edmonton, AB is host for the last show in Canada on this tour. The sold out show takes place at the Rexall Place.
December 10th, 2006 - Show in Everett, WA at the Everett Events Cente.
December 11th, 2006 - GN'R plays in Portland, OR at The Rose Garden Arena. Axl comments on how the venue's name has a nice ring to it.
December 13th, 2006 - The show in Fresno, CA at the Save Mart Center was canceled.
December 14th, 2006 - Axl issues an open letter to the fans in which he says Chinese Democracy has a tentative release date of March 6th, 2007.
December 15th, 2006 - The show in Oakland, CA at the ORACLE Arena features a special guest. Lars Ulrich (Metallica) plays drums on Out Ta Get Me.
December 17th, 2006 - Izzy makes his first guest appearance on the North American tour at the show in Universal City, CA at the Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk.
December 19th, 2006 - Second show at the Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk in Universal City, CA.
December 20th, 2006 - The 2006 North American tour ends with a show in Universal City, CA at the Gibson Amphitheatre. Ron and Richard both play Christmas themed guitar solos.
Izzy Stradlin makes his third guest appearance on this leg of the tour.

February 8th, 2007 - The band played a two-song set at the Rodeo Drive's Walk of Style ceremony in Beverly Hills, California. The cremony honored Gianni and Donatella Versace.
The band, with Chris on bass, since Tommy was unable to attend, played acoustic versions of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" and "Sweet Child O' Mine" at the end of the event.

February 9th, 2007 - Hookers 'N' Blow start their East Coast tour in Philadelphia, PA.
February 13th, 2007 - The music, that Tommy scored with BT, for the movie Catch And Release was released on Varese Sarabande.
February 22nd, 2007 - A posting on GN'R's official web site says that all of the recording for the album has been completed and that the album is being mixed.
February 22nd, 2007 - A five date Japanese tour taking place in April is annnounced by Creativeman, the Japanese promoter. GN'R are scheduled to visit Chiba, Nagoya and Osaka during their visit to Japan.
April 11th, 2007 - Guns N' Roses announce that they are postponing the start of their world tour, which was due to start in Japan.
June 2nd, 2007 - GN'R plays the first of three sold out shows in Mexico at the Monterrey Arena in Monterrey.
June 3rd, 2007 - Second sold out Mexican show in Guadalajara, Mexico at Arena VFG.
June 5th, 2007 - The last of the three shows in Mexico is in Mexico City's Palacio De Los Deportes.
June 10th, 2007 - The Australian leg of the 2007 tour starts in Perth at the Burswood Dome. This is the first of eight shows in Australia and it's the first time GN'R has played in Australia since 1993.
Rose Tattoo and Sebastian Bach are the opening acts on this leg.

June 13th, 2007 - Show in Adelaide, SA, Australia at the Entertainment Centre.
June 15th, 2007 - Sold out show in Melbourne, VIC, Australia at the Rod Laver Arena.
June 16th, 2007 - Second sold out show at Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena.
June 19th, 2007 - Show in Brisbane, QLD, Australia at the Entertainment Centre. Welcome To The Jungle starts with Axl singing in a mocking uninterested way because he's hit with a drink. The song is then stopped because Axl is hit with another drink. He says "Is that what you want? You want it that way? If you're gonna throw shit, you know, I don't have to be here. It's all right. We can have a great fucking time, or not." The song is then restarted.
June 20th, 2007 - Sold out show in Brisbane, QLD, Australia at the Entertainment Centre.
June 23rd, 2007 - Sydney, NSW, Australia is where today's sold out show takes place. The venue is the Acer Arena.
June 24th, 2007 - Second show in Sydney, NSW, Australia at the Acer Arena.
June 29th, 2007 - First of three shows in New Zealand is played in Auckland at the Vector Arena.
June 30th, 2007 - Second Auckland show at the Vector Arena.
July 3rd, 2007 - GN'R plays in Christchurch, New Zealand at the Westpac Arena.
July 14th, 2007 - The five date Japanese leg starts in Chiba with a sold out show at Makuhari Messe.
To make the occasion even more special, Axl sings Don't Cry for the first time since 1993.

July 15th, 2007 - Second show in Chiba, Japan at the Makuhari Messe.
July 17th, 2007 - Show in Nagoya, Japan at the Nippon Gaishi Hall.
July 18th, 2007 - GN'R plays at the legendary Budokan in Tokyo.
July 21st, 2007 - The summer tour ends with a show at Osaka's Intex.
July 22nd, 2007 - After the last show in Japan, several band members head out into the Osaka night to celebrate.
In the early hours of the 22nd, Axl, Tommy, Ron, Frank along with Bubbles and classical pianist friend Takayoshi Azuma jam on a bunch of tunes at Osaka club "Live and Bar 11". Among the songs performed were Liquor & Whores, It's Not Unusual (Axl and Bumblefoot on vocals), Whole Lotta Love, Beautiful (Bumblefoot on vocals), Angie (Bumblefoot on vocals), Used To Love Her, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, I Want You To Want Me, Strutter (last three with Bumblefoot on vocals), Whole Lotta Rosie, Patience, and Nice Boys.

August 20th, 2007 - It is announced that Axl will sing on three tracks on the forthcoming album by Sebastian Bach.
September 9th, 2007 - Bumblefoot plays at the Locobazooka festival held at the Tweeter Center in Mansfielfd, MA.
October 17th, 2007 - Dizzy plays shows with Hookers N Blow on the West and East Coasts during the last two weeks of the month.
November 27th, 2007 - Sebastian Bach's album "Angel Down" is released. The album features Axl on three tracks (Track #3, the Aerosmith cover, "Back In The Saddle", track #4 "(Love Is) A Bitchslap" and track #5 "Stuck Inside".).

March 27th, 2008 - Axl announces that he and the band are now represented by the management team of Irving Azoff and Andy Gould.
March 28th, 2008 - Richard takes part in three X Japan reunion shows at the Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan. The first one is on the 28th, the second one the following day and the last one is on the 30th.
July 1st, 2008 - Bumblefoot releases his album "Abnormal".
September 14th, 2008 - Rock Band 2 is released for Microsoft Xbox 360. The game features the new GN'R track "Shackler's Revenge". This is the first officially released song from Chinese Democracy.
October 10th, 2008 - The movie Body Of Lies has its North American premiere. "If The World" can be heard at the end of the movie.
October 22nd, 2008 - The title track and first single from Chinese Democracy is released to radio world wide at 6AM Eastern. Later in the day, the album's release date is announced.
November 9th, 2008 - Chinese Democracy is released as a digital single in iTunes Music Stores around the world. It goes on to top the music charts in several European countries as well as topping the rock charts in the US and Canadian stores.
November 11th, 2008 - Chris Pitman's project called SexTapes™ releases their first album.
November 17th, 2008 - Three official Chinese Democracy listening events are held in New York, NY, Dallas, TX and Chicago, IL.
November 18th, 2008 - Chinese Democracy listening events are held in West Hollywood, CA and Minneapolis, MN.
November 19th, 2008 - Atlanta, GA and Boston, MA host two Chinese Democracy listening events.
November 20th, 2008 - The last two Chinese Democracy listening events are in San Francisco, CA and Detroit, MI.
November 23rd, 2008 - Chinese Democracy is released in USA as a Best Buy exclusive. The album is released on CD and LP at Best Buy and as a digital album on iTunes.
November 24th, 2008 - Chinese Democracy scored a record 8.4 million streams when the album debuted on MySpace beginning midnight on Thursday, November 20 through midnight Sunday, November 23. The premiere of Chinese Democracy was the biggest promotion in MySpace's five year history, with every MySpace territory signing on to participate.
December 4th, 2008 - Chinese Democracy tops world album chart. According to global sales figures and national album charts
December 12th, 2008 - Axl chats with fans on online message boards.
December 23rd, 2008 - Bumblefoot releases an acoustic EP called "Barefoot".

January 4th, 2009 - Welcome To The Jungle is at #1 on VH1's "100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs" countdown.
January 7th, 2009 - Chinese Democracy has officially sold more than 500,000 copies in the USA.
January 11th, 2009 - During his acceptance speech for winning the Golden Globe award in the Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama category, Mickey Rourke thanked Axl for letting them use Sweet Child O' Mine for free in the movie (The Wrestler).
February 14th, 2009 - Axl is on the cover of Billboard magazine with the headline "Axl speaks".
March 21st, 2009 - It's announced that guitarist and songwriter DJ Ashba has joined the band for an upcoming tour.
April 14th, 2009 - Chinese Democracy is released for the Rock Band video game.
June 12th, 2009 - Bumblefoot plays his first of 14 scheduled shows as guitarist for Lita Ford's band.
August 1st, 2009 - Dizzy Reed & Friends play their first of four August shows at The Viper Room in West Hollywood, CA.